Chapter 42 The Voice Beyond

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Dedicated to HomiciderQueen and EndooYamazaki


"Venus... Hear me, Venus..."

A disembodied voice was ringing continually on her head. The kind of voice you will surely know that came from something with no physical appearance but it did not gave her goosebumps like one should expect when experiencing this kind of out of body communication. Far from it, she felt warm inside, a sense of belonging, recognition was submerged deep inside her heart.

Who are you? What do you need?
She asked mentally.

"Open your eyes... You need to wake up... Go to the Opaque Temple. "

Why? Am I dead? Pull? Is that you?
Venus continued on asking, wondering why the voice was not answering any of her questions. It doesn't sound like the pull she talked to before, this was a woman's eerie voice, the pull was a voice of her own inside her mind.

"Soon, you will know me but for now... Wake up... wake up, Venus..."

No! Not unless you give me an answer! She insisted stubbornly.


"Ahhhh!" She shrieked. Her body fell into a soft surface as she bounced up and down several times from the impact.

"Where are you?! Ahhhh! What happened! Where am I?!" Venus was now yelling with hoarse voice; trying to stand up; struggling to free herself from a strong tingling bind around her body. Her eyes were tightly shut, still in a dreamlike state.

"Open your eyes child..." She heard a familiar woman's voice.

"Y-your majesty! H-help me! I can't move. Someone is trying to kill me! How you managed to enter my mind?!" Venus blurted in panicked daze, recognizing Queen Mystyq's voice. She somehow felt relieved but struggling using all her force to break out.

"Stop fighting, child! Open your eyes for goddess sake! For the love of Phoenix, you are not dreaming!" Master Ronheild's worried voice laced with a hint of hope was heard next.

"I'm not?" She asked confused as she stopped moving, her energy was depleted. She exerted a lot of effort in opening her unusually very heavy lids.

Venus batted her eyelashes for a while adjusting from the bright light assaulting her spotted retinas. Her eyes were hurt. She barely could see from the blinding light.

"Close the lights! My eyes are hurt." She snapped at them while closing her eyes tightly again to suppress the pain. Tears made of blood streamed down on her cheeks.

The people around her held their breaths in astonishment. Nobody dared to move a muscle, their eyes were fixed on the person in front of them who was  binded by a magical spell on the bed, her body was emanating a white dazzling light. Queen Mystyq was in labored breaths, having hard time maintaining the spell restraints for Venus body.

"She is very strong. Make the testing fast, I couldn't hold on much longer." Mystyq hissed through clenched jaw to Master Ronheild beside her.

"Eekkkk! Ahhhhhh! Go away, idiot! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Venus all of a sudden shouted nervously swatting something in Marcus direction as she opened her lids again, her all-white eyes were fixed on him.

"V-venus! Your eyes!" Marcus shocked face puzzled her.

" Um, freako! Can you please move away? You're not planning on kissing me in this kind of situation, are you?" Venus asked him weirdly ignoring his statement about her eyes.

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