Chapter 48 Opaque Temple

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Venus.. Wake up... We need to go.. Marcus spoke inside her head through the blood bond.

Where are we? Her question ringed inside her mind, coppery taste lingered on her locked mouth.

We are in the assessment chamber, don't be scared. Only me, you and Lord Ronheild are here. We both need to feed.. Marcus answered in a voice mixed with her own vocala.

In the physical world, she was seated on the assessment marble floors with Marcus straddling her on her back. Her red orbs staring blankly, Marcus fangs burried down her marked neck. Master Ronheild stood few foot away, three blue cord-like pull hovered above his head waiting to be expended.

Vee, get ready... Call upon the pull one by one... Marcus instructed to her.

Okay, pull I command you. Come unto me one by one. Submerge slowly and don't hurt me... She stated unsure but instantly felt a warm tingling sensation penetrated her chest. A unexplainable high laced with the euphoric bliss Marcus gave her, consumed her whole being. It made her cursed side ran amok, fighting to be freed but to no avail. The blood bond was very strong and firm, controlled its rampage to a nonsubstantial level.
Then her vision started to return, sight created a pitch and patch black shadow on her peripheral vision, eyesight slowly formed solid visual perception, her consciousness restored. She felt Marcus' breath tickled her bite mark, he licked it close.

"Finally! Now let us settle other matters aside and proceed on the quest. See you again soon." Lord Ronheild relieved voice broke her trance, her lavender eyes chased behind his retreating obscured figure.

Marcus helped her up, draped her new white cloak on her shoulders, "we better get going."

She was buzzing with power but her heart ached. She nodded at him, afraid that her voice might betray her. Then the door left ajar was filled with expectant faces.

"Let's go, Vee! Amelia and I need bonding time with you." Daphne chirped, both her and Amelia dragged her away from the guys. They were walking behind master Xerxis.

"You look dazzling with your white cloak!" Amelia said giggling. Venus was really thankful that nobody mentioned about what happened. She badly needed the space, her friends happy chatting was a welcomed distraction so they talked endlessly about petty things until they reached the portal.

Master stated their destination and the portal glowed then he went through it, they all followed suit. They went out on a vast field of colorful flowers which were scattered around---waist high, it was beyond beautiful. The air was filled with sweet, vanilla like scent. It was crisp and blowing moderately causing the flower to sway side to side in a slow dance manner. It was really widespread, for miles all you could see were flowers...

"We are 3hours away from the last sighting of the temple, get moving. This place is not a safe zone." Master Xerxis instructed and headed towards north.

"Master! This direction is headed to the dwarfen faeries lands!" Prince Aldrik caught up with them, his alarmed voice made Venus flinch.

"Yes, I'm afraid it is. Well, if you all listened to my briefing earlier... You were all occupied, eh?" He replied in sarcastic tone, typical master Xerxis.

"What are dwarfen faeries?" Venus asked Daphne in hushed tone.

"They are 10foot burly faeries that are known to their ferocious and carnivorous nature," she answered in scared tone.

"I thought dwarves supposed to be small? Like snow white and the seven dwarves, ring a bell?" Venus retorted in disbelief.

Amelia, Daphne and Aldrik chuckled. "Goddess! You and your human speculations. On the contrary, the lord of the rings version are more closer to the truth. Only they are all more than 8foot tall, burly and not friendly at all! Nah ah! To top it off, they were crossbred to faeries which means they can manipulate magic. Due to the war before, they enslaved a lot of the faerian women and made them breeding machines! After gaving birth to their children, they ate the women who were deemed useless aftetwards," Amelia's nose wrinkled in disgust.

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