Chapter 21 Burn Venus Burn!

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Assessment Chamber

"Ahhhh! I'm burning! Master heeellppp mmmeee!" As soon as her convulsions stopped and her breathing was back to normal, Venus raucous voice broke the silence of the chamber. She broke into an all-out panic after she saw that everyone was in a comatose state from utmost shock.

After some time, she took the initiative to stand up, began running around, tapping her body to diffuse the flames but the flames became more hotter and bigger.

It didn't work! What I'm going to do! Panicking more, she dived on the floor and rolled like crazy as her thoughts flowed out like river.

My life depended on this! There are so many ways to die! Please not barbecued!

She rolled like satan himself was out to get her. A technique she remembered from her camping classes to put out the fire.

She felt too much hot, her skin was very painful as the marble floors touched it, like she had sunbathed for a whole week and been suffering from severe sunburn. Sensing that it was of no use---a futile attempt of diffusion---she stood up again, jumping all around but avoiding colliding with anyone, she couldn't burn anyone else. As she became more agitated, her fire was burning more hot.

Oh my goddess as they say! Any god or goddess, please help me but not Phoenix! Uh, oh! Definitely not her, albeit she was the one who put me on fire! She was non-stop talking to herself mentally.

"Maaasstteerrr!" she shouted on top of her lungs. She felt like she broke her vocal chords. Her ringing voice did so little to break everyone out from their reverie because when she looked around, everyone was still in state of shock, basically standing like zombies, only their heads moved, following her every step.

Just when she was about to give up hope, she heard her master's breathy voice, "Here I am, child! Calm down." He approached her in a preventive measure. His breathing was labored basing on the deep inhaling movement of his chest. He was signaling the other masters to encircle them and the other subordinates to the far corners of the chamber, as far away as possible.

Finally they move their asses! I have help now! Venus' was relieved. This somehow gave her hope. She was thankful that her loud shout brought them back to reality.

She stood unmoving, ten feet away from her master and twenty feet away from the other masters circle. Orange fire licking the air, it made a static electricity sound. "What do I do, what do I do, what do I do?" Venus asked like a broken dvd player.

"Child, relax yourself, breath with me. Inhale. . . Exhale . . ." Her master cooed through croaking voice due to the fear of Venus' safety.

Alright! That's easy just inhale, exhale, right? Inhale. . . What if it will not work? Exhale . . . Oh, my goodness! This is it! I'm gonna die! Her panicked thoughts didn't help her at all.

"VENUS! VENUS! FOCUS, CHILD!" Her master's alarmed voice penetrated into her alarmed state.

Terror overtook her face as she looked at her flaming hands, "Oh, my. . . Ahhhhh! M-ommyy!" Venus sat down crying hysterically, her feet pumping up and down like a child having a really enormous, gigantic tantrums. How could she not? Her flames turned red!

"Master do something! Please! I still don't wanna die! I didn't even have my first kiss yet!" She was just blabbering whatever came to mind from her all out hysteria.

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