Chapter 17 The Decision

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North Palace

Venus can't believe it, they thought she was the pure one. For her, it was  imposible, outrageous even. Aldrik's sudden motion of moving towards the door snapped her out of her mental marathon.

No! I cannot be the vessel!

She made her final resolve mentally then blurted out to them after they passed the doorless entrance.

"Why does she need a perfect vessel if she is reincarnated when she dies!" Venus exclaimed on top of her lungs. She was one of the lowest level of fire wielder! Being pulled to a powerful fire master, just didn't add up. Lower level wielder equals to lower level master. And her master believed she is the pure one, the perfect vessel?

Nah! Impossible! Dream on!
Venus kept on ranting her disbelief inwards. A line appeared between her brows from concentration, hands on her hips, her stance deviant.

They both turned around to face her, "We believe it's for the goodness of all." Master Ronheild replied solemnly.

"Goodness of all, my ass! I think it is selfish! I will not be her vessel! You made a mistake! I'm just an ordinary low level fire wielder! Being the pure one is a curse!" She argued hot headedly.

"Yes, your butt is very good, indeed!" Aldrik whistled after answering.

"Watch your language and manners Aldrik!" Lord Ronheild said in angry tone.

"My apologies, your highness," he replied to him but gave the blushing Venus a wink.

"At least give it a chance and finish your training. If you are sure that I made a mistake then you will be a full-fledged yellow fire wielder in the end." He told her patiently.

"Thanks! But, no thanks! I think I'll pass on the offer!" Venus scoffed arrogantly, turning her back at them in a dismissing manner.

"I think you're a coward giving all these excuses because you know in your heart that you're not that special as what my father thinks you are." Prince Aldrik challenged her, brows raised as if telling her that he was right.

She turned back around abruptly then shouted at the prince. "I know what your up to. You want to lure me in agreeing by giving me such low blow insult like that. I'm smarter than that, you jerk!"

"Think what you want Luna but it is rather the truth. You are still that scared little ten year old who hides in her mountain top. Go on then little girl run back to your mountain top, that's what you do best." Aldrik taunted her more.

"Stop it son! That's not how a prince should act. Let her be. If she wants to go home then we will send her home first thing in the morning. Even though, she should not be allowed to go back upon aggreeing to come here in the first place, but since she hasn't started to train yet then I may be able to pull some strings for her today to be able to go home tomorrow. For now, let the girl rest. Let's go." Master Ronheild interceeded their bickering and started to guide Aldrik towards outside.

Aldrik shrugged, wagged his eyesbrows at her suggestively while smirking as he turned to leave. "Bye little luna girl."

All this while, Venus was standing beside the window both hands fisted on her sides and shaking with anger. Nobody insulted her like that. He was right, she was a coward before but who could blame her she was just a child then. She found refuge on her mountain top. Her safe haven. But she was no longer a child. She would not run away and hide this time like the coward that she was. So be it then. She will prove them wrong.

I am not the vessel! She insisted on her mind.

"Alright then. Challenge accepted! When do we start training!" Venus called out to their retreating backs.

Both had smirks on their faces, one showed radiantly and the other well hidden beneath a veil. But Aldrik put up a passive face when he turned around to face her.

"Very good, dear. I am rather relieved to hear that. Rest for now and we will go back to the academy tomorrow. They are conducting orientation today, half of it was already explained to you earlier, so after lunch I will conduct to you the rest of orientation. You will be starting training tomorow like the rest of the kids." Lord Ronheild informed her.

"Well, well, well! Looks like you are not as hopeless as I thought you would be after all. Congratulations, you're half the coward I thought you are now." Aldrik stated, gave her a mocking clap wearing a triumphant smile.

"Just get out of my sight, jerk!" Venus snapped at Aldrik while gritting her teeth.

"As you say wish, LUNA. Oh by the way, I will send your chamber maid over to guide you to another room since my door is completely destroyed." He made a mocking bow then left together with Lord Ronheild...


When Venus was finally left alone, suddenly she felt very exhausted. She headed for the bed, indulged herself to the comfort it brought for her stressed body. She hoped that she didn't just threw herself to the wolves by taking the bait that the prince set up for her. Bait or not, she owed this to herself. Besides, being alone again in the mountain top doesn't feel so appealing anymore. One thing was sure though, If ever, with the slightest chance that she was the vessel, then she will use all her powers to defy what the goddess wants with her. She would not ceased to exist just for the sake of the selfishness of a goddess. Even if she was very powerful. She will not go down without a fight! Not this time. She will not cower or run away again. She would face all of what will come along head on, especially from that jerk Aldrik!

"I, Venus Andrews, vow to myself to never again run away or be scared of anything or anyone. I will defy the goddess Phoenix!" She promised to herself before closing her eyes and entered the world of dreams.

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