Chapter 41 Activation

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"What in goddess name just happened?! We shouldn't had knocked Venus out!" Rufus eyes turned black, his menacing voice was driven out of anxious state---gaze fixed on the unconscious form of Daphne.

"Where is Marcus! And why is Venus passed out anyway." Master Xerxis asked out of nowhere, kneeling beside the two collapsed women, checking their pulses. His hood was down showing his fatigued image from expelling too much pull. His raven hair was pulled back with some kind of a rubber band. He will fit as a ruggedly handsome type, mature version.

"Marcus and mistress Vulca ran to Venus' sleeping chamber directly after she screamed. And Marcus had to put her to sleep, she refused to follow the plan and insisted on going herself." Agnus was the only one who spoke in calm manner, seated himself beside master Xerxis and hovered his hand just inches away from Daphne's chest. Green light illuminated from his palm, sweat forming on his temple as he shut his eyes in concentration.

"Agnus! It is of no use. They are connected to Venus, your healing won't be effective on them. Bring them to the sleeping chamber!" Master Ronheild stated as he approached them. He just finished barking orders, and pacified the commotion that erupted after the encounter.

Needless to say, the entire assessment chamber was still in chaos from masters and knights alike, waiting for the healers arrival for the declaration of master Favian's demise.

"Thier life sources are kind of disrupted, something is feeding slowly from them..." Agnus paused, green illuminated hands were now hovering on both women chests, analyzing their conditions rather than healing.

"Oh, Phoenix! Venus is feeding from their life sources!" Agnus exclaimed afterwards, hands jerking away from their bodies like he had been electricuted. His face paler than usual as his blue eyes showed tremendous amount of panick and fear.

"This is not good! Not good at all! Come follow me!" Master Ronheild stern voice hinted a lot of danger. He beckoned for them to follow him. Giving instructions to a couple of guards to pick up the Daphne and Amelia. And leaving Master Balto to take care of the assessment chamber.

"No, we will carry them." Rufus swatted the guard hands who was about to pick up Daphne and scooped her up in one swift motion trailing behind masters Xerxis and Lord Ronheild. Agnus did the same with Amelia.


"What the hellhounder is this!" Rufus exclaimed. He was astonished when his eyes landed on a floating Venus upon entering her chamber. He settled Daphne on her bed, his unblinking eyes transfixed on the phenomenal sight to behold in front of him not noticing the passed out Marcus in mistress Vulca's lap seated against the far wall.

Venus was suspended halfway on the air between her bed and the ceiling, subtle humming coming out of her, bright almost blinding white light fluctuating on her whole body. Her very long white hair moving in all directions, like it has a life of its own. She was still on her combat uniform but her cloak was discarded already.

"May Phoenix help us! She is the CURSED ONE! This is the activation state!" Master Xerxis fell on his knees in a supplication.

"Xerxis! Pull yourself together! All the more, we need to be tough right now. These three girls needs our help. We have to take course of action fast. Any suggestions, anyone?" Master Ronheild calmly said but stress was evident on his face as he pulled his hood down out of exasperation.

"I think we should bring Vee to the assessment chamber, since no one here is able to extract pull outside it , feed her our pull one at a time so her feeding from these two will stop giving them room to recuperate." Agnus talked in solemn way. His mind seemed to be elsewhere as he stared at Daphne.

"That's the best logical solution. Good thinking Agnus." Master Ronheild said appreciatively.

"Master? What will happen to me now? After master Favian's demise?" Agnus asked sadly.

"We will figure it out later. So much things happening that did not ever happened before so we face everything one step at a time. Besides, I think you still have a pull within you otherwise, you would have combusted earlier from the assessment chamber." Master Xerxis explained with somber look as he came out from his reverie.

"Marcus, tried to touch her. He was thrown back to the wall with so much force so how you will tranfer her?" Mistress Vulca spoke for the first time, standing up after she laid Marcus carefully on the floor. She walked towards master Xerxis and held his hand for comfort. Only then, that they became aware of her presence since their attention was solely focused on Venus' cursed state.

"Then, we bring back Daphne and Amelia there and feed them twice what Venus is feeding from them. If that makes sense." Rufus suggested, unsure of the possibilities. He just want Daphne to be okay.

"We will try that, we have no other choices anyway. " Agnus agreed, patting Rufus back which he then returned with a grateful smile.

"Then let's move. The sooner, the better. We still have a death ritual to settle." Master Ronheild trotted to the door's direction right after his instruction.

All walked behind him as he lead the way back. Rufus carrying Daphne; Agnus with Amelia; Vulca assisting Xerxis who kept on refusing the gesture.

"Stop acting like a child Xerxy. This won't hurt your pride." Vulca said annoyed using her endearment for him years ago.

"You never called me that since that day.." His steps faltered lost in memories. Back to the time when they where still close, she used to call him 'Xerxy' then, a combination of Xerxis and sexy...

"I never got the chance again. You... You changed," she replied looking down. They stood there unmoving, unaware that they were left behind.

"I thought you won't need me anymore after... After she died..." Xerxis stammered looking awkward, obviously not used to this kind of confrontation.

"Do you? Do you still need me, my pepper?" He asked her barely whispering his endearment for her, placing his hand on her chin, urging her to look at him while caressing her cheek with his thumb---hood falling off at her back.

"I-- I-- I'm not ready for this..." She turned away just in time her tears fell down giving Xerxis a slight view of her tear stricken face.

"I will be patiently waiting until you are ready, pepper..." He hugged her from the back for just a millisecond then walked away.

"Wait you idiot! Let me assist you!" Vulca ran after him arranging her hood back in place.

"I'm not an old man! Reserve that for Ronnie!" He told her jokingly. Just like nothing happened when they walked side by side again.

"By the way, how you knew it was not Venus in front of you or did you know at all? Or you acted on instinct?" She flooded him with questions.

"Oh that? Let's just say in a split second while we stood there staring at each other, she hinted me with a subtle yellow eyes. Big enough for me to notice and small enough for Cassia to see. What is she anyway? I thought she's a shifter, how come she have abilities of a witch or someone made a spell on her." He gave her a confused look.

"Well, she is a special kind of shifter. She can shift to anything, anyone even imitate exact voice."

"Wow! This year really is full of surprises." He let out a playful whistle which earned a chortle from Vulca.

"She's a he, by the way." She added between giggles.

"Oh! Now that's interesting!" He chuckled with her.

"No... This is interesting. You back to your happy self. I'm glad, Xerxy. One step at a time, we're getting there." She hinted as she jogged away from him leaving a stunned Xerxis behind.

Good thing I had my hood back on.
Mistress Vulca thought, feeling her hot cheeks.

"It's not working! The pull will not absorb to them! Summon Queen Mystyq immediately!" Master Ronheild voice reverberated right after mistress Vulca stepped inside the assessment chamber.

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