Chapter 37 The Bond

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Venus sat on the forest floor crying her heart out as she looked at Amelia and Rufus' lifeless bodies. She was frozen from shock and disbelief. 

This was all my fault. No matter what I do, it will never be good enough to keep them safe...

Hyperventilation crept on her chest. She inhaled oxygen long and hard in attempt to stabilize her breathing but it was in vain, clutching her chest as she started grasping for breath like being drowned. Then again it started...

"Vee your hand is vanishing!" Marcus sat in front of her, holding her face in both of his hands locking their gaze.

"Breath inamorata.. You can't give up now. Rufus and Amelia needs you. You're the only one who can help them," he pacified her.

"T-they're d-dead because of me," she stuttered, her tears were free falling, non-stop.

"Look closely, inamorata.... They are alive but barely... You have to stay and help them. They both need you." His calm voice was soothing her nerves.

"T-they are? Thank goodness!" She exclaimed with hopeful expression. Marcus gave her a nod of approval and encouragement.

Venus closed her eyes and concentrated. She forced herself to calm down... to stay...

"Very good inamorata.." Marcus' cooing penetrated her thoughts. She opened her eyes and saw that her whole arm was gone but slowly materializing again from her upper arm until her hands and fingers.

I'm whole again! She exclaimed in delight inside her head.

She rushed to Rufus side assessing his condition. Daphne was cradling his head while crying while mistress Vulca was assisting Agnus who tried his healing prowess to no avail but determination was written on his face as he kept on trying, not giving up, knowing deep inside that the shifter was in worse condition compared to Rufus. Her life source was depleted.

"Please, Vee.. I cannot lose Fufu.." D pleaded to her in between sobs.

"We won't D.. We won't..." She held her hand for few seconds to give her reassurance. Then she reached within, evoking the pull...

Pull. Obey me.. I command you to heal..

Venus rested her fore finger in Rufus chest as it lighted up. His body jolted up upon contact with the pull. He coughed profusely as if his lungs were blocked then he collapsed back into D's lap smiling at her weakly.

"Why are you crying like I died princess." He teased her in a very weak voice.

"Oh, Fufu! Stop talking. Thank goddess! Thank you, Vee!" She gave a relieved squeal hugging Rufus and kissing all over his cheeks which made his face beet red from embarrassment.

"Stop it, D! You're gonna kill me." Venus heard Rufus said as she left them and sat beside Amelia.

Agnus looked at her, his eyes mirrored of one that had given up hope as he shook his head sideways.
"I don't think we can still revive her, Vee."

Venus disregarded his statement and called within..
Pull... I call on you once again. Obey me and heal her. Her inner voice was laced with desperation.

We cannot... Came the pull's response.

What do you mean, you cannot?! She mentally shouted at them, brows furrowed and lips in thin line. Frustration showed on her face.

Marcus sat beside her and held her hand giving it a light squeeze for support and comfort.

She is too far gone to be saved this way. Only the bonding can save her now, the pull explained, the sound it created was a hollow version of hers that echoed inside her head.

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