Chapter 45 Vampire's Bite

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This is dedicated to PinkPrincess1204 . Thank you for everything especially for my gorgeous book cover!


Venus was twitching and squirming, in a middle of a big room, that was supposed to be hers and Marcus' new room. Her cotton; spaghetti strapped; below the knee; pink floral dress was getting wrinkled by her continuous hard grasp. Her one inch heels made clicking sounds on the tiled floor as her foot tapped it nervously. The room was almost similar with her old chamber only it had one bed, a king size bed at that!

"Goodness! Where is Marcus, what's taking him so long, better to get this done and over with. I wasn't expecting it to be this stressful and awkward," she talked to herself trying to smoother her already perfect hairdo. Her body radiated a faint light, fluctuating each time she moved.

After her shower, a servant sent by Queen Mystyq was waiting inside the closet, holding beauty paraphernalias for her. She was primed for almost an hour, insisting that she must look good on her honeymoon. She scoffed inwardly as she remembered it. Honeymoon, my ass! Afterwards, she was then guided inside this room---just beside her old ones---for the blood bond.

The door knob turned and Marcus came in looking dashingly handsome in his dark blue fitted jeans and red long sleeves folded up until his elbows complementing his red eyes. His dark blue loofers made no sound as he approached Venus. Like a predator about to pounce on his prey but she didn't feel threatened at all. She had all this goosebumps out of pure excitement, literally gaping at the sight, walking slowly towards her.

"You look lovely," he said in alluring soft voice as he stood inches away from her. "I hope you liked my outfit. Rufus forced it on me. I haven't had clothing such as this before. It's quite comfortable rather than my regular trench coats," he gave her a seductive smile that turned both her knees into a couple of jell-o. She instantly threw her hands around his shoulder for support when her uncooperative knees buckled leaving a very close proximity for their faces apart. She inhaled his minty breath as she closed her eyes feeling dizzy at the delirious effect on her. Her mind forcefully urged her to tackle him right then and there...
"Oh god! Isn't it getting hot in here? You smell so good," incoherent thoughts went past her lips. She nuzzled and sniffed his neck which earned a groan from him.

"You should stop doing that Vee, goddess! There's only little control I have left." Marcus whispered to her ears in a husky voice sending delicious tickling sensations all over her body.

Venus moved more closer to him, gripped his hair on her shaking hands. She inclined her neck towards him, an open invitation. "Hmnn.. What was you said? I didn't quite get it."

She went on prodding him---from his neck up to his jaw ended on the side of his lips letting out a contented sigh. Her eyes remained closed, face flushed red from arousal.

Marcus fangs elongated, his rapid breathing indicated his faltering fight for control. He moved his face away, gave her a loving gaze as he spoke through clipped lip, "my inamorata, open your eyes and look at me.."

Venus closed her rather opened mouth, peeled her heavy lids open, her white out eyes gave him a blank look. "Is there something wrong?" Somehow his fanged appearance didn't bothered her at all, she found it sexy and appealing which was rather far from what she would be feeling before she came in this Realm.

Her worried expression made Marcus more turned on. He puffed out some air before answering in a soft and low voice, "No, everything is perfect if only you are not under hypnotic trance right now."

"Who said that I am? Goodness! Haven't you seen yourself in the mirror? Damn! Your hot! OOPPS!" She instantly clamped her hands to her mouth. Face turned deep red, eyes almost bulging out from her sockets. Waayy to go Vee! Yey! You just ruined a perfect moment. She mentally face palmed herself.

The corners of his mouth turned up, amused by her outburst. His fangs retracted, unclasped her hands from her face and guided it back to his shoulders. "I swear, I will be gentleman, Vee but.. I will make sure you will never forget this moment." With that declaration, he dipped his face towards her and captured her agaped mouth.

For a moment, her eyes widened from surprise then her lids drooped down on their own welcoming the kiss. It was tender, sweet and full of passion. A kiss that etched its feelings towards her soul. She clinged to him tightly begging for more, her legs encircled his waist on its own accord.

Marcus walked and pinned her towards to wall, her back resting flat on the hard surface, hands clasping and unclasping on his hair as their kiss deepened. He slowly dragged his lips away from her, giving her fluttering kisses along her jawline towards her neck near her sweet spot. Her soft moans made him lick and kiss her hungrily.

Venus gasped from the intensed surge of sensations, made the hairs on the back of her neck stood up in a most pleasurable agony. More moans slipped past her swollen lips as she pushed herself closer to him. Amidst her delirium, she felt his fangs extended once more, nibbling and teasing the pulsating spot of her neck. Uncontrollable desire washed all over her body, she shivered from anticipation... Then, she felt it pierced her skin. A sublte pain pinched through her---almost same as a needle pushed through your skin for a blood testing. She was temporarily awed by the fact that it didn't hurt her at all.

Those big bad fangs don't hurt, at all! Venus yelled in her mind happily but just temporarily, immediately after few seconds, she was flooded with carnal desire she didn't expect and felt before. She moaned in a low wanton voice she never thought she had. Hotness began filling her whole body. Like literally! A hot sensation began from her chest flowing very slowly towards her bite mark. Hot enough not be be ignored but not hot enough to bring discomfort.

"M-Marcuus.." She uttered his name in pure ecstasy. Her body sandwiched between him and the wall. She felt him sucked her blood slowly, moaned in pleasure as well. Few minutes after, his fangs pulled back leaving his tongue licking and tickling her bite mark. Until the hot sensation reached and lingered on her bite, sealing the punctured skin and bonded them by blood.

"I love you, my inamorata. To thee, I surrender my life and soul. To thee belongs my heart from now until forever." Marcus whispered to her solemnly, kissed her forehead leaving some blood stains from his lips. He cradled her powerless body towards the bed and tucked her in carefully. His red eyes changing to his cerulean blue color right before her eyes as she stared at him dumbfounded, mouth hanging wide open.

"I... I... I d-don't know what to say... I am sorry Marcus," she stuttered looking at him sadly. Her emotions sky rocketed by undeterred confusions. A lone blood tear escaped from her all white eye. The hotness in her neck kept on pulsating not ebbing away.

"Don't cry love. You are not obliged to love me back. We'll start our courtship from now, all you have to do now is accept the bond," he said softly to her, wiping her crimson tear away.

"H-how?" Venus asked nodding, gratefulness and respect showed in her face.

"Just say the words you accept the blood bond and mean if from your heart." He smiled at her, pinched her nose in a playful gesture.

She closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath. Hands clasped on top of her chest, she whispered, "I accept the blood bond willingly and with all of my heart." Her breath hitched when her bite mark made a sizzling sound, a second or two of piercing hot feeling burned her skin then it was gone...

Her lashes slowly fluttered open revealing a inquisitive lavender eyes. Her fluctuating light dimmed until it slowly dissipated.

"It is done." Marcus said to her and hugged her tightly...



Wuhoo! There it is! What you think guys? (Crossed fingers, hope it was not too mature...) Please press the star button if you liked it! Three to four more chapters left! Love lots! :))))

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