Chapter 38 Werrian Realm and Prince Melrick

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"Phase three done, your highness!" Came Cassia's screechy voice as she materialized from the black mists.

"And? Your full report?" The king was seated in the throne in a shadowy form.

"The princess is indeed unlike any of us.. She does consume pull, not only from Phoenicians but all beings including us. She doesn't consume it like we do.." She initiated her report in a provocative way showing her assets very seductively.

"Continue, Cassia. I see that you're wallowing in a new consumed pull. May I ask who?" The king asked giving her a dark look.

"The Bullion heir, your highness." She smiled crazily while having a far away look.

"The shape shifter! No wonder you're on a sky high! Dead?" The king let out a menacing laugh.

"Should be, the princess did something using her own life source to make the shifter her second subordinate apart from the siren." Cassia answered letting out a shrilling laugh hovering few inches from the ground.

"Focus, Cassia! Your acting like a crackpot! Continue your report!" The king said in an annoyed tone.

"My apologies, your highness.. As I was saying, unlike us that use the life source as booster for our power and spells.. The princess.. Well.. She manipulate it in its raw form. She can call the pull out of her without any aid from the assessment chamber like the Phoenicians do. She can make them do as she bid and what's astounding was, she can revive almost dying being from it. Imagine the power, your highness. You will be invincible!" Cassia narrated. Her high pitched voice full of excitement.

"Very good, Cassia.. That is what I would like to hear. All is in order. Commence the next phase!." The king laughed victoriously and gestured Cassia for dismissal in which she gladly bowed and dissipated in black mists in an instant.



They arrived at the Werrian Realm early morning time. The portal was located on the middle of a dense forest where gigantic trees encased them inside, leaving only few rays of sunlight scattered like tiny luminous spotlight everywhere. It looked surreal. The trees loomed at them like skyscrapers.

They trekked the woods for about an hour before they saw the palace right at the heart of the forest.

"My goodness! This is beyond unbelievable, ultimately beautiful!" Venus was blabbing like the idiot that she was, wearing an awestruck face looking up the tallest trees you would ever see.

"It's my first time to be in this Realm. It's fantastic how these gigantic trees encompasses even the palace." Marcus agreed with her but in a stoic and regal bearing.

"I feel like I'm in a Jack and the Beanstalk movie only there is no giants but giant trees created by beanstalks!" She kept on babling loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Jack and the Beanstalk? Giants does not exist Vee.." Daphe asked confused.

"It's a famous story in human realm.. Oh! Nevermind.. You have a very beautiful home, Amelia." Vee chirped happily.

"Thank you," she gave her a proud smile then added, "let us go this way. I will let the servants guide you to your chambers so you could freshen up a bit. Breakfast will be approximately after an hour." She gestured to them to entet a big metal double doors by the side entrance and beckoned servants, who bowed down as they spotted them, to escort them towards the chambers.

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