Chapter 18 Orientation

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North Palace

Lord Ronheild was happy and excited about the unfolding of the recent events. Not just with Venus acceptance of the training but more for the romance that was brewing right under his nose. He knew it was not the path most parents would want their child to go down, for being the love interest of the pure one will be incredibly difficult, but he was not most parents.

He was Lord Ronheild Daqarqum---head master and king of Phoenicia. His son was no ordinary child either, in order for him to fill his big shoes, he had to prove himself worthy and pulling through this would not just make him a worthy heir to the throne but also a very powerful king. Who would not want that?

That was the king in him speaking.

Honestly, he was just a father who wanted his son to be finally happy. Aldrik lost his mother at such a young age, not because of any decease or tragic death but rather giving up on life. It was a huge blow, not just to Aldrik but for him as well. To know that you were not enough reason for your mother to fight and continue living had become a poison to his son's heart over the years. Thus, slowly made him the man he was.

An empty shell. A robot that operated through what was expected and needed of him as the rightful heir to the throne. Aldrik was the first royalty born between two phoenicians. The expectations were high. All his life, though hurting, he had to live up for that. So upon graduation rites, learning that he didn't had his father's genes of blue flames sealed the deal. Aldrik hoped that he would attain such flame even a century had not yet passed, being a pure blood royalty and all. Lord Ronheild lost all hope of having his son back not until Venus came along.

Whether it was a matter of against all odds romance, he was all for it. This was his only chance to have his son feeling again.

A risk he was so willing to embrace blindly just to have his happy son back.

He was so proud of him earlier. Nobody could have done it any better than that. Antagonizing Venus to make her stay was a genius move though he was sure that he did it for himself rather than for their cause of revealing the perfect vessel. Not that Aldrik was gonna admit that anytime soon.

"Your majesty, the lunch is ready. Where would you like it to be served?" A palace servant interrupted his train of thoughts.

"Please serve for three here and send someone to fetch my son and his guest. Thank you." He instructed the servant who bowed and immediately headed inside the palace.

After he left Venus earlier this morning, Lord Ronheild headed straight in his wife's favorite gazebo, in the middle of her garden. How he missed the place, a constant reminder of his once very lively wife. He built this octagonal shaped, roofed gazebo so that she would have a place to rest everytime she attended to her plants. It was made of pure wood, painted all white with soft cushions attached the open walls all around and a simple circular wooden center piece draped in white cloth in which a couple of servants busily filled with food.

After half an hour, he saw his son and Venus approaching while ignoring each other.

"Please have a seat," he beckoned for them to join him on the table.

"I hope you don't mind having our lunch here. I thought a bit of fresh air would be nice for a change," he addressed  them both but the statement was more for his son. He was worried that Aldrik would not like to be reminded of his mother. He was relieved when they both gave him a hesitant smile.

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