Chapter 32 Pull Chase

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"Welcome back, Cassia! Just in time...." The ominous voice echoed throughout the cave along with sinister laugh.

"Phase two successfully implemented, your highness!" Cassia appeared smirking after the dark mists dissipated.

"I know you will be successful. I never had a doubt in you. Now we wait a few days time for Phase three... Soon!" His loud sinister laugh echoed all over again.

"Soon the curse will suffice. She will be ours!" Cassia's screechy voice filled the platform as she slowly disappeared through the black mists.



It had been a week since that day. The day her heart was shattered into pieces. Venus was thankful to her friends who never left her side. She would never be the same again if not for them. Even Master Ronheild never ceased to check up on her amidst his busy schedule. Letticia, on the other hand, disappeared that night before they could apprehend her.

Master Balto lost the pull connection once again, he was devastated by it. They sent him away for a few days rest.

Queen Mystyq told Venus that Aldrik was spellbound. A very powerful love spell.

Would that feel make me feel any better? Nah! Why? Because the spell only worked successfully if strong attraction was present.

Rufus tried to tell Venus that it was only because Letticia was almost identical to her except for the hair and some little details. Nevertheless, the harm was done. No use crying over spilt milk.

On the other hand, they were all waiting now for their first quests. After the cloaks was distributed, they were directed towards the assessment chamber to let the pull assign the first quest. Venus was really reluctant about going back to that chamber, she got more agitated by the minute they drew closer. Daphne and Marcus both held her hands, left and right, both gave light squeeze to help ease her nerves.

"M-master!" Venus called to master Xerxis as she spotted him standing beside the door.

"What is it, child? Are you feeling ill? You look pale." Master Xerxis worriedly checked up on her when she stood in front of him.

"M-master, I don't think it's a good idea for me to come inside basing on the last time. Either I attrack the pull towards me or the other way around, still, the result is the same.. A disaster," she told him shivering just thinking about it.

"Then the more you should come to test it. Child, you are the vessel. You will be subjected to more dangerous circumstances. Whether you like it or not, you have to face this once and for all. The sooner the better if you ask me. You have to learn to control it not let the curse control you." He quoted wisely.

"Thank you master for the vote of confidence." She said with the bravest tone she could muster which earned a look of disbelief from her group mates. Venus was never the brave type...  but then she added squeaking, "can I, can I just stand beside the door to be able to run out quickly?"

"Damn! And I thought you were a different Venus with that first statement! As usual, only Vee could pull it out like that. Famous Vee lines!" Rufus bellowed playfully which resulted to a round of laughter from the people around.

"Okay child, by the door it is. Let's proceed," master Xerxis said smiling then lead the way inside the chamber.

"Now that we are all here. Let us commence to assigning of quests!" Master Ronheild stated as soon as the door behind Venus closed being the last one to emerge.

He raised his hands upwards emitting blue cord-like light through each his fingers. The ten pull made a dance like motion like swirling ribbon control by a gymnast before it descended towards the golden chalice, with emerald gems design around it, situated at the middle of the chamber. Each pull individually laced on a small paper parchment rolled by white ribbon. It all rose up to the ceiling together and floated there for few minutes as if contemplating which group each parchment would go.

They were all in awe to the mere beauty of the pull. Venus started to relax herself and peeled off her hand from the tight grasped to the door handle since she came in.

Wrong move...

The pull motions stilled as if sensing its chance, albeit it was contemplating its plan of attack to Venus earlier. Faster than the lightning it plunged down directly at her.

"Waaahhhh!" Panicking, she sprinted circling the chamber, away from the door. Thanks to her fully developed speed that matched the pull's speed. It was hot on her tail as she zeroed on the distance towards the door after she made a full circle round through the chamber.

I will make it! She made a victorious dance inside her head.

Just mere a feet away from her freedom, the pull floated still in front of the door. She halted abruptly inches away from it. It was like waiting for her next course of action as she stood still gaping at it. She tried to move to the right, it mimicked her movement then moved back to the left, again it mimicked her. Inhaling a huge gulp of oxygen, she scanned through her gaze stunned audience.

Yeah right! I've got a bunch of useless gawking idiots! Venus scoffed inside her head as a plan was formed. It was worth a shot, she had no choice anyway.

"STOP! I order you to finish the delivery of quests to each respective groupings at once!" Her angry voice boomed like thunder inside the chamber which made the pull retreat, it moved a startled-like movement then each flew towards the groupings handing the parchments.

After delivery of parchments, it floated back again towards the ceiling making swirling motions.
Venus let out a relieved sigh and felt happy with her accomplishment. She was about to do her victory dance when all of the sudden Daphne's shout echoed through the chamber.

"Veeeeee rrruuuuunnnn!!!!"

Venus was paralyzed the second time around, she saw the pull dived towards her direction. Her eyes grew big like saucers, mouth as big as a cave entrance, limbs totally uncooperative.

Oh well! Here it goes! Let there be pull!

These were the last words in her mind as the pull hit her in the chest full force!

It was like being rammed by a bull through the ribs by the mere force of contact. She collapsed on her knees sputtering some blood through her mouth unaware of the frenzy from the people around, initiated upon the impact of the pull to her body.

"Rufus, Agnus! Contain Marcus!" Master Ronheild shouted spotting Marcus red eyed vampire; stare burned with hunger; fangs bared. Vampires became unstable to the sight and smell of blood from their beloved. They get lost in frenzy and only upon the disappearance of blood should they recover.

"You! Come here and make her sleep!" Master Xerxis pointed to the nearest vampire available.

The vampire approached Venus in fear, repulsed by the sight in front of him. Her shaking form was hunched down clutching her chest, blood splotches were all over her uniform and the marble floor. She promptly surveyed the oncoming vampire, lavender eyes narrowed as she smirked at him evilly. Clearly not in total control of herself.

"Ah, ah don't even think about it. I'll make you a roasted vampire." She cunningly threatened him, wagging her finger at him. The poor lad faltered on his step and fell down face first on the floor.

"Ah, hahahaha!" Venus' sinister laugh reverberated throughout the chamber throwing her head back, shoulders shaking.

"SOMNIMUM DOLCERUM!" All of a sudden Marcus roared out, full of agony forcing to command his magic towards Venus fighting himself out of blood frenzy. He took his only chance to save his beloved even if it will take a toll on him. Never would anyone witness a vampire came out of reverie before. Only Marcus... he was able to... Out of pure love....

Marcus passed out after giving a relieved glance at Venus sleeping form.

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