Chapter 20 The Pull

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Assessment Chamber

Marcus was having a bored expression written all over his face. He guessed that there might be some announcement or something for they were all gathered again in the assessment chamber instead of training. Whatever it was, he was really not that interested to know. It was tiring him to no end. Being here was an honor for most of the beings in different realms but not for him. He don't understand as to why it had to be him chosen by the pull.

His head was full of unexpressed rage as he spouted his voiceless innermost thoughts, I was a fucking prince of the vampiric realm, next to the crown for pete's sake! Now I lost it all! I was totally happy where I was!

He tucked his hands inside his trench coat pockets and sighed. Now he was reduced to being a low subordinate with even lower fire level. Worst. He had to share a bed chamber. It was a big blow to his ego.

"You are all gathered here today to form you into a small group of five where you need to build teamwork and help each other rise up to the best of their capabilities. Hence, later on you will be going for quests together after initial three months of combat and strategical trainings. You may wonder, why here? In this chamber is where the pull is at the strongest. It is also the very reason why assessments were done here. We don't do the grouping normally rather we let the pull decide. There are, all in all, fifty subordinates so in a group of five, we will have a summary of ten groupings. Without further ado, let us begin the process!" Master Ronheild gave the announcement cutting Marcus' inner rantings.

"Please form a circular pattern enclosing me in the middle with inner circle for the students and outer circle for masters parallel to each other. Make it as big as possible. Trust me, you don't want to be near the center." Marcus moved with the rest into position as per instructed.

He happened to stand beside Venus whom he called 'Barbie' for he didn't know what her name was, in which he definitely do not care to know about. She was a good distance of a few feet apart from him. To him, she was the one and only trouble maker who caused too much ruckus on the dining chamber. All were wary about her disappearing act but no one dared to say anything because she was the subordinate of the head master. He would not be surprised if she caused more trouble soon.

He scoffed, wishing that he wouldn't be in her group. Scratch that, he was praying hard actually.

Pity for her would be group. Blonde dumb! He thought bitterly.

"The red eyed guy beside me, freaks me out, D! The creep keeps looking at me, swap places with me, please." Venus said to Daphne when she saw Marcus stared at her more than a few minutes. His eyes made her shiver, it was unnerving.

"Hush, Vee. He's a vampire. He can hear you, besides my master is behind me," Daphne shushed her.

Marcus heard what Venus said very clearly. Nobody messed with him especially when he was not in a good mood.

"Sorry to FREAK you out Barbie wannabe, please be reminded that not everyone here will treat you like a fragile human doll. I'm surely not one of them so you better watch that lovely mouth of yours." He hissed at her showing her his fangs deliberately to frighten her, confident enough that nobody was behind her to witness the act.

Venus almost choked on her saliva and peed from what she just saw. Her heart beating wildly from fear while turning to face him, stammering as she spoke, "Oh, holy guacamole! P-please don't bite me, I don't mean to be overheard! Uh, oh! I m-mean, I don't mean to be rude!"

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