Chapter 22 The Sorceress

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For Lord Ronheild, witnessing the reactions of others as you gave them shocking news never gets old. Their faces still etched in his mind which really brought a smile to his lips no matter how grave the situation would turn out to be later on.

That morning, the masters and mistresses were forced to make the announcements about Venus. The reactions from the rest of the subordinates were far from what they expected. Maybe for the fact that the subordinates saw yesterday the power that Venus possessed within. It somehow made them quite more open and accepting to shocking possiblities such as finding the perfect vessel or most of them were just simple minded, comprenhending only what was presented in front of them.

Whatever it was, they were relieved to receive a humungos cheer of victory from them after they told them the truth. Well, half the truth, the part of witch heritage was still upheld upon further investigation. They didn't want an uproar without solid evidence.

There was no training or class that day. After the announcement, they let the children celebrate on their own but only within the academy's premises. 

The masters were busy making preparations for a more rigorous and extensive trainings. Lord Ronheild, on the other hand, was on his way back to his chamber where he left Venus and her group to rest from last night, after he gave them the news. Poor Venus, she was the one grilled from questions from them since he left her to give all the details.

It was almost seven in the evening. Soon they would be leaving for the Witzardian Realm.

"Thank goddess we get to eat dinner here as well, I don't think I'm ready to face everyone after yesterday." Lord Ronheild heard Venus said as he opened the door, along with clink and clank of plates and cutleries.

"Good thing you are all dressed up. Agnus could you please bring the cloaks from the closet after your meal?" He said as he seated himself to the nearest chair.

Venus threw her hands up in exasperated gesture just as she whined, "Cloaks? Like the same you are wearing? Great! We are in our combat uniform then cloak. If you don't mind me asking, why you're wearing that cloak everywhere? Albeit, you sleep with it. How you're able to see with those hood on? You never showed me your face, not even one time! Not that I'm complaining. It's just that. . . It's. . . Ohhh! Never mind! Urgh!"

Lord Ronheild snorted as his thoughts of her flowed out after she spoke. As usual expect Venus to pull out such irrelevant question like her life depended on it. This girl never ceased to amaze me.

"Vee! Really? The cloak is called a deciever. To our eyes who are connected by the pull, we see the distinctions: like what color it really is, the sound of their voice, how tall they are. . . But for those who are not, they see deceptive visuals. For example, in magical beings realm, all they see is black cloaks. The voice, height, built are all the same. The hood totally covers the face but you can see through it. It's magically enhanced. In the human realm, on the other hand, they see us in whatever clothing that is normal to them and see our face but totally forgot about it after. It is an honor to be given a cloak at this early. They only give out cloaks when going to quests." Daphne explained on his behalf. She narrated in one breath. D surely doesn't need oxygen, always the ecstatic one.

"It is agreed upon by all masters that you wear this cloak at all times when you leave the academy's premises for safety purposes. It is not only a deceiver but unknown to all, it's more of protective shield especially from source eaters, like a bullet proof in human realm term, only in here it is magic proof.  The cloak makes it impossible for them to draw out pull or magic from us. The fabric of our gloves are made of the same material." Lord Ronheild explained further.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Come in!" He diverted his attention to the door.

"Milord, Mistress Vulca is ready to accompany you. She is waiting at the office chamber," the servant informed as he bowed.

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