Chapter 24 The New Mistress

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Unknown Realm

A black mist, a shadow-like being was forming in a platform, in front of a stone carved throne, situated in the mouth of an enourmous cave. Stone carved stairs etched on both sides spiralling down that leads to a vast land area occupied by tavern tents which rounded up from a hundred to a thousand.

"Your highness. Phase one has been successfully executed." A screechy voice of a woman filled the platform coming from a being made of black mists.

"Well done! Phase two is being laid out. Soon. . . Real soon. . ." came an ominous voice inside the cave.

"Drakkan and his company were all wiped out, your highness. The queen of Witzardian and king of Phoenicia were defending the princess." The woman reported, her rage-filled, shrilling voice would make your blood turn cold.

"Fret not Cassia, your inamorato's demise was for our cause. All sacrifices will be aprehended. Phase two will be executed soon." The ominous voice said in a dismissing tone.

"Yes, your highness! Soon!" Her high pitched tone echoed through the walls of the cave before she dissolved into a smoke of black mist.



"Your passing out is becoming a habit." Master Ronheild's voice laced with humor and tenderness filled Venus' still hazy mind. Her long, curvy lashes slowly fluttered open. A small smile found its way to her chapped lips seeing her master, Rufus and Marcus hovering beside her bed.

Her eyes snapped back to Master Ronheild's face. For the first time, he was not wearing his cloak but instead a combat uniform similar to what she wore only, his, was in blue hue. He looked like hercules in built, toned muscles at the right places. Short dark lashes fanning over his doe eyes with gunmetal blue irises that stood out among all his features. His aristocratic nose matched evenly his sharp square jaw and thick lips. Not to mention his prominent deep cleft chin. His golden brown brows matched the color of his long, braided waist long hair. He had kind eyes that was full of wisdom beyond his hundred and twenty four years of existence though he actually looked more than half his age.

Venus sat up, rested her head on the headrest then squealed, "Finally, I'm able to see how you look! Nothing registered to me when we were fighting the sorcerers! Now, I know where Aldrik took his looks!" Her master answered her with a light laugh, shaking his head to her fondly.

Rufus' relieved gaze filled her line of vision as his brows slowly furrowed, lips thin lined.
"Don't you dare do that again Vee! Don't you dare put yourself in line of death just to save us! That was extremely foolish, preposterous, ludicrous, insane. . ."

"Okay, okay, I get it! Come here and give me a hug! I'm glad you are safe too." She cut through Rufus' rantings giggling, urged him for an embrace.

Rufus engulfed her in a warm hug as master Ronheild held her hand firmly sending a silent message of how relieved he was.

Marcus, on the other hand, was squirming behind them not knowing what to do. Venus, let out a hearty laugh upon this rare occurrence from the high and mighty prince Marcus.

Raising her brows at him playfully, lavender eyes focused solely on the vampire.
"Aren't you gonna hug me as well Marcus?" She teased, calling him for the first time by his name. The infuriating vampire has somehow found his own way to her heart.

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