Chapter 44 Blood Bond

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All actions and noise inside the sleeping chamber came into a standstill. Even a pin drop could be heard as they all stood in a catatonic stance staring at Venus like she grew another head. Marcus' blazing red orbs were staring her down into a pit of uncertainty.

Venus made a soundless gulp, weighing on how she would start a conversation. She pinned her all white eyes down, not able to stand the piercing eyes of Marcus that seemed to see deep into her soul. At least she was partly thankful from a part of her dream that taught her how to adjust her zooming in and out of gaze. But aside from that, there was nothing to be thankful for her awkward situation. She was wringing her wrists nervously, and bitting her lower lip. Her heartbeat could be heard in the back of her esophagus, just as her glow was pulsating brightly. Clearing her throat, she stammered to ask the question.
"Aherm... H-have I said something wrong?"

Marcus stood in front of her in a blink of an eye. He cupped her chin upwards meeting his deep gaze, thumb caressing her moist lip sensually. Lustful red eyes bored into her very core with unsuppressed passion. Hoarse but velvety voice reached her reddening ears, giving her cheeks a pink glow.
"Do you have any idea of the implications of your request, my inamorata?"

"It have to be done... The blood bond." She croaked her reply, words barely audible.

Rufus who was in state of shock all these time suddenly fisted his hands on his sides. His brows raised in question for her sanity. Blue eyes turned as dark as the night emitting a low growl.
"What are trying to prove with this Vee? Asking a blood bond from a vampire is like asking for him to lay down his life to you."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You definitely have no idea what you are talking about." He added in low voice laced with danger.

"W-hat do you mean?" Venus paled, emotion can't be detected from her white out eyes but her voice was laced with undeniable fear.

"Nobody in vampiric realm submit themselves to blood bond anymore. This is one way of enslaving them to your will. Once blood bonded, they will live and drink your blood alone, they will not survive without the bonded anymore. What if you mated with someone else, what will you do then?" Agnus supplied the answer to her question in a more calmer way than Rufus. His unfathomable eyes was void of any emotion.

"Why, Vee? Give me a reason why?" Marcus asked her, holding both her shoulders, facing her again to him. His penetrating gaze was unbearable for her. She tried to look down again to avoid his questioning eyes. Though deep within the recesses of Marcus heart, he knew he would do anything for her.

"My dream... The same woman's voice told me that we need to do this. She said I'm like a ship who have them as anchors but..." Venus explained softly, voice quivering. She paused to point at the two sleeping forms regarding them as anchors. Her throat was dry, huffing labored breaths from suppressed intense emotions, eyes asking for understanding as it landed back on Marcus loving gaze.

"Go on..." He urged her to continue stroking gently her soft cheek.

Venus closed her eyes savoring the unexplained sensations that Marcus' touch was giving her.
"But I... I need... I need... I need to stay away..." Her eyes jerked open, blushing furiously as she stepped backwards.
"S-stay away Marcus... Goodness! I cannot concentrate.."

Agnus sniggered while Rufus scoffed at her.
"If you cannot stand his touch, how will you bear the blood bond?" Rufus declared to her brows permanently raised.

"He will just bite me. Give me a break will you? I will be the one enduring a vampire's bite. Why are you taunting me, Rufus?" She answered stubbornly, suddenly her fiesty side emerging, not liking Rufus' reactions one bit. She crossed her arms in defiance then flipped her hair in challenging notion.

Rufus' empty laughter boomed inside the chamber. His black pupils zeroed onto her giving her chills down her spine. He answered her in a menacing tone. Emitting another low growl as he spoke.
"His bite will never hurt, Vee. Instead it will give you a sense of euphoria. Especially he's in love with you, arousal is the best descriptive word for it. Plus a bonus of living on the same room for minimum of a year since he will be very possessive. So how's that for a blood bond, Vee? I'm sure you can handle that well enough."

Venus eyes widened with disbelief. Her face showed mixed emotions from being fearful, confused, undecided then strong resolve.
"So be it!" She suddenly announced which made the three men gasped with surprise.

"Vee, you don't have to do this. I'm sure we will find another way." Agnus was the one to recover first. His expression was of pure uncertainty. Pity was evident on his eyes.

"Will you finish the reason why you want the blood bond?" Marcus broke his silence in a very serious tone. Sad red eyes stared directly at her. He knew that love will never be her reason why but he was compelled to do as she bid, blood bond or not.

You don't have to know how much I love you, Marcus thought.

"I need you to be the captain of my ship.." She finally answered.

"Then captain it is.." Marcus closed their gap and embraced her tightly, kissing the top of her head lovingly.

"Vee, you are not angry at me, are you? Since you both agreed to it then there's nothing I can do about... I just want you to know Vee that by doing this, Marcus just sealed his fate by trusting you with his life. Blood bond is different from other half bond though you can consummate it if lust becomes unbearable, and make the pull bond completely." Rufus worried expression made Venus want to break down and cry.

Of course, she understood his honest concern for both of them. Who wouldn't want a friend who would be brave enough to strike you an honest heads up? Rufus out of this world way of saying I love you, friend. With him, you should learn to read between the lines.

"I will never get angry at you. I love you too, Fufu." Venus said, her white out eyes was blood shot with unshed blood tears. She faced him with open arms using Daphne's endearment for him. Rufus immediately engulfed her shaking form for a warm embrace. He let her sob on his shoulders soaking it red until it subsided.

"What do you mean by not like other half? A-and consummate?" She finally asked after crying her heart out. The question itself tinted her face red once again but thanks to the smeared blood tears, it wasn't as obvious as before.

"It only means that the other half bond is done through the union of two physical bodies. Only through that intercourse that your pull will intertwine themselves and bond you forever. Blood bond doesn't require the pull. Only Vampire's bite and his addiction towards you." He softly whispered.

"Come in!" Agnus answered, seated himself at the bean bag inside the opened door of the closet. He held his head with both hands, his fatigued shoulders slouched forward.

"So, have you found a way already?" Master Ronheild's voice caught all their attention by the door. Standing behind him was the fresh and rejuvenated face of Queen Mystyq.

"Yes, milord! Blood bond for me and Venus." Marcus curt, but blunt reply made both of them flinch.

Queen Mystyq's facial expression was of utter shock and disbelief but Master Ronheild regained his composure fast. His reactions well hidden behind his hood. The timbre of his voice though was laced with mixed emotions as he spoke, from surprised to a hint of sadness and disappointed then finally remained passive monotone.
"Are certain of this? Is that the only solution?"

"Yes, Master. The woman's voice from my dreams said so." Venus answered him. Her face was of complete surrender, wiping clean her face with her sleeves.

"Then blood bond it is..." He replied shortly as he turned his back. Barking orders to prepare the next room fast, for Marcus and Venus...

Queen Mystyq trailed behind him still gawping...

"Well, that went smoothly...." Rufus meaningful insinuation made them all cringe...

"I believe my shower is in order. See you all in a bit." Venus exited towards the bathroom.

"Oh my goodness! I looked horrible!" Her scream from the bathroom echoed throughout the chamber which earned a round of laughter from the three.

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