Chapter 23 Sorcerers Trap

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Witzardian Realm

"AAHHHH!" Venus shrieked in horror as she watched the sorcerers launch at them. She wanted to close her eyes and run as far away as she can, but her body was paralyzed. She was standing there immobile, wide eyed and shaking in fear, anticipating the impact. She counted the seconds of their doom.

Five. . .
Four. . .
Three. . .

"Whoa! I--Its wicked!" She bellowed, mesmerized by the the utter beauty of it. Her master sprouted a flaming blue wings! As he and Mistress Vulca erupted into flames which served as barrier from the intruders.

"HIATUS PARTUM!" The leader in the middle exclaimed, and they all flew backwards, like a puppeter pulled their strings back from mere inches away of colliding to the flame barrier.

Mistress Vulca moved sideways, away from master Ronheild in precise, synchronized movement forming a circular pattern. She was slowly pulling her hands up to her side and Master Ronheild extending his wings, until they were both standing back to back; they were parallel to each other. One was arms spread wide and the other one was wingspan fully outstretched, enclosing the rest of their company for protection. Half was a blazing red inferno, the other half was a blazing blue flames--both reaching twenty feet tall.

"Really fast reflex. I expected more though, how long you can stay like that? Sooner or later, we still get what we want. There will be no reinforcements coming for you but to us on the other hand. . . Let's just say, you just lighted the beacon for them to follow. If you cannot beat us now, how will you beat us when our comrades arrive?" He boldly taunted the most powerful phoenician.

"Tick tock, tick tock. What will it be, your majesties? It's a shame, you're both feared by all magical beings and here you are, cowering behind a flaming barrier." His maniacal laughter reverberated throughout the clearing, shattering the still calmness of the forest.

Master Ronheild kept his silence. He streched his hands on each side, his palms fisted. Then, within split of a second, five balls of fire---the size of basketball---appeared in front of him. Its all floating suspended in the air. In a blink of an eye, he punched his right fist forward, sending the balls shooting directly aimed straight to each sorcerers. The attack was all within a minute, it happened like a blur. He moved faster than a lightning.

"Ahhhh!" Two of the source eaters, on each side, let out a short shout of agony as they combusted instantly.
The other three were able to make a magical shield which dissipated the flames upon impact.

"Now!" Mistress Vulca shouted, without giving the enemy room to recuperate from the initial attack.

Rufus, Daphe, Agnus and Marcus attacked the man on the right side. Mistress Vulca lunged for the man on the left. Master Ronheild ran forward to the leader, wings folded on his back while the queen stayed beside Venus, chanting six repetitive latin-like words.

COMENRUM SANCTUM MUNRI. . ." A veil-like barrier surrounded them the moment her spell was done.

Venus stood there watching as her new family fought for their lives, for her safety. She felt pathetic and useless. She directed her gaze to her group mates, just in time, she saw Rufus blow an upper cut to the sorcerer using a flaming fist. The man staggered backwards but within seconds, disappeared from the place he was standing. He reapperead, just as fast, behind Daphne as he held her by the nape, fingers dug tighty around her neck. Daphne sagged to the forest floor unconscious.

"Noooo!" Venus horrified shout caught everyone's attention. She was punching the barrier forcefully, trying to get out.

The enemy used the distraction of Master Ronheild and Mistress Vulca to their advantage and teleported beside the man who had Daphne.

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