Part 17

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Maya was waiting with Wyatt by her locker before they went to art class.

"Uh, looks like the Chem room is still in West wing." Wyatt said and Maya looked where Wyatt was looking and saw Benny and Smalls walking towards them.

"Hey! Glad I don't have to knock you over to look at me again." Benny smiled nervously at Maya.

"Okay." Maya said crossing her arms.

Benny licked his lips and took Maya's arm and pulled her into the legendary stereotypical Janitor's closet and locked the door.

"What are you doing? Are you crazy?!" Maya said trying to open the door but Benny stopped her.

"Maya." He said and looked into her blue eyes. He had never seen any so blue. He knew it would be wrong to even try to get back together with her a day after his breakup with Abigail but he couldn't help how he felt. It's not over.

"Stop looking at me like that." Maya said uncomfortably. His green eyes were all to familiar to her.

"Sorry, uh." Benny stuttered. He lost his train of thought when she looked at him he just melted.

"I don't really know how to say this, but what happened between us? I mean I might be to blame but I don't see how it went so bad." Benny scratched his head.

"I was never a part of your group. I couldn't fit with you guys. So I took myself out of the equation and you made it ten times easier with Abigail." Maya spoke frustrated.

"You were a huge part of us. Maya I dated you." Benny said.

"That didn't count. A couple of weeks in the summer? You could still be in a two year relationship but for some reaon you're not. You don't know what's real. Two years is real. A stupid young short summer thing can't mean anything." Maya said growing more upset but couldn't get any space since they were in a cramped closet.

"Why not? Why can't it mean anything?" Benny said searching Maya's eyes for any sign of sympathy for him.

"Because it didn't. We went right back to how things always were. You have your amazing friends and amazing baseball career. I have my private life a couple acquaintances. Nothing changed because of what we had." Maya said.

"Stop, your not making any sense. The summer with you was one of the best summers of my life." Benny admitted.

"Why are you telling me this? If you wanted me you would have figured it out by now." Maya rolled her eyes.

"Because you wanted me to choose them. Remember? It's what you wanted. I would do anything you wanted. And then I got stuck. With a nice girl, in a somewhat perfect world I guess I was blind. When you left that day I prayed for you. I knew you might not come back but I really prayed you would be okay."

"Then how come I'm not?" Maya said and she tried to hold back tears but one slipped down her cheek.

"It's not the same. No one comes close to you. And yea I hated you for a solid two weeks but when we got back to school everyone loved you. No one knew me. People are freaked out by the idea that you know my existence. It's hard not to believe I'm not good enough." Maya broke and hated herself for it.

"HEY KIDS get out of there! Get to class!" The janitor banged on the locked door. Benny panicked and opened the door as fast as he could and Maya scrambled to wipe her tears.

"Get to class." The Janitor growled and shot Benny death glares. Who knows what he was thinking about them.

"I have to get to Chemistry." Benny said and let out a deep breath. Maya couldn't even look at him but she nodded.

"Art." She said and still felt very embarrassed about what she said about her feelings for him in the closet.

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