Chapter 1~new life

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The summer is finally over which means schools coming back. I'm both excited and scared, I'm just really happy Ricky and John are here with me. "When is Matty and Jenna's flight coming in?" Ricky asks brushing his teeth. "Um I think 9:30." I say cooking breakfast. "Ok I gotta go!" He says kissing my cheek then johns head. "Wait bring pork chops I'll cook them for dinner with rice." I say before he leaves for work. He nods and heads downstairs. "Mom, I'm scared to go to pre school tomorrow." John says looking up from his breakfast. "I wouldn't worry about it baby. Just be yourself and I'm sure everyone will love you." I say smiling, and he smiles back. Once he's done I clean him up and get him dressed so we can go pick up Jenna, then go school shopping.

We walk since we're not that far from the airport. "So if schools only half day who's gonna pick me up?" John asks as we walk. "Well mommy and daddy are going to have different classes so it's rare well have class at the same time, but if we do aunt Jenna or uncle Matty will come pick you up." I say and he nods. "Mom I can't walk no more." He says stopping and reaching his arms up. I let out a sigh and pick him up. "Hey it's mommy not mom." I say. "Fine mommy." He says smirking. God when he smirks he looks so much like Ricky.

We get to the airport and wait for Jenna to come out from customs. "Jenna!" John yells running towards her and I follow. "Hey buddy!" She says kneeling down and hugging him. "Oh hi uncle Matty." He says. Matty picks him up and puts him on his shoulders. "Yes! Now I don't have to carry him." I say laughing. Since they only have backpacks and one thing of luggage we decide to walk back to there apartment. "My mom says days where her and my dad are both in class you might pick me!" He says all excited. "Well I am taking teaching so if you're moms in class I'm most likely gonna be their with her." Matty says and John gets sad. "But it's all good cause aunt Jenna's taking writing classes so I'll probably be able to pick you up!" Jenna says and John smiles.

We get to the apartment and they put their bags on the floor. "Only thing that's gonna suck is me and Matty can't share a door." Jenna says. "I gotta take John shopping for school stuff you guys wanna come?" I ask. "I need to sleep, Matty whatever you buy, buy for me." He laughs and we leave. "Is it sad Ricky said the same thing." I say and Matty starts laughing. Matty swings John onto his shoulders and we continue walking to the stores.

I grab a cart and Matty grabs a basket. I out John in the cart and steer through the isles. For John I buy pencils, colouring pencils, markers, a sharpener, a pencil case, and a little blue back pack. For me and Ricky I buy pencils, pens, calculator, notepads, white out, stapler, high lighters, sticky notes, and a small pencil cases. We pay and it literally comes out to 100 bucks. Matty buys the same for him and Jenna and it comes out to like 80 bucks. I put johns stuff in his new backpack and I carry my bags. "Highway robbery!" Matty says complaining over the price. "We gonna walk or cab?" Matty asks. "We're gonna bus!' I say smiling. We pay our fares and the bus is literally packed.

I find a small spot for John and I stand in front of his seat. "You okay?" I ask him. "Yeah." He says nodding. "Aw is that you're son?" Some lady standing beside me asks. "Uh yeah." I say smiling down at John. "Oh you look so young though." She says smiling. "Um thanks." I say, she gets off at the next stop. Ever since I've been wearing my wedding band, no one stares or whispers anything when I walk by with John. We get to our stop and we get off.

We get upstairs and Jenna's asleep on the couch and Ricky's asleep on the floor. "Waaaakkkkeee up!" Matty yells and they both wake up laughing. "Hey." Ricky says standing up and giving me a kiss. He helps me cook the pork chops and we all eat dinner.

We give John a bath and put him to bed. We all go to bed since we'll all have school tomorrow. Usually me and Ricky sleep cuddled up but it's very hot so we're like so far apart. I hear the door creak and I see a small figure approaching me. "John what's wrong?" I whisper. "I had a bad dream." He says rubbing his eyes. "Aw it's okay come here." I say moving back so he can lie down in front of my chest. "It's okay mommy and daddy are here." I say kissing his head. I put my arm over him and he falls asleep.

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