Chapter 15~ best guy ever

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Ricky POV

I wake up and Amy's on her side. Since she's still has only her underwear on I look down at her butt and I'm greeted by something strange... Blood. I takes a while for it to kick in, but I soon realize she got her period. It's all over the bed on her side. "Baby, I think you um you got you're period." I say shaking her lightly. She looks down and sees it before running to the bathroom. I take the sheets out and put them washing in the washing machine. I put fresh new sheets and I wait for her outside of the bathroom. She comes out in sweatpants and a sweatshirt and looks away embarrassed. "Aw baby it's okay, this stuff happens." I say wrapping her into a hug. "Yeah but it's still embarrassing." She says. "Look I don't care ok. I married which means I love every part of you. You need me to get anything?" I ask her she shakes her head no and walks over to the bed. She sees the new sheets and smiles at me. "Thanks." She says kissing my cheek.

I'm so happy Ricky is the way he is. Right now he's rubbing my stomach cause I have cramps. "Feel any better?" He asks kissing my cheek. "A little." I reply. He nuzzles his head into my neck and cuddles with me. Delilah starts crying and he goes and gets her. He brings her to our bed and she just lays in between us smiling. She's starting to crawl and talk a bit more she'll say things like dis for this and at for that. Currently her favourite show is Elmo, she does not like Dora. John doesn't come over so I go and check on him. "You okay honey." I ask sitting on his bed beside him. "I don't feel good." He says raspy. "Ricky!" I yell ask he walks into the room frantically. "He's sick." I say feeling his head and looking at his throat.

"You need to get Delilah out of here asap." I say packing her a bag. "Where would I go?" He asks holding Delilah. "I texted Jenna, keys under the mat." I say handing him a bag he kisses me before leaving. "Come lets go to mommys room." I say picking John up. I put him on our bed and he just closes his eyes. I go into the kitchen and pull out some cough syrup. I give it to him and he drinks water along with it. He just lies back down and closes his eyes again. I let out a sigh and lay down beside him pulling him into my side. "Where's *cough* Delilah?" He ask looking around. "She's a baby it's not good for her to get sick so daddy took her to Jenna's." I say kissing his head which is still on fire.

An hour later Ricky calls me. "Guess who woke up with a fever and a red throat." He says annoyed. "Just come back home then." I say. Ten minutes later Ricky comes home with Delilah who's coughing like crazy. I give her baby Tylenol and she seems to calm down. "God I hope we don't get sick." Ricky says sitting on he couch beside me. Delilah's asleep in her crib which we rolled to the living room and johns asleep in our room. I keep checking if Delilah's breathing. "Amy she's fine." He says pulling me back into his lap. I smile and fall asleep on him.

I wake up with fever and a red throat. "That's it I'm quarantining this house." Ricky says picking me up and rolling the crib to our room. "No I'm okay *cough cough cough* let me help you*cough*" I say when Ricky's making food. "Amy go lie down you're sick, it's okay I got it." He says. I sigh and walk back to the room lying down beside John. Ricky makes me and John soup and he gives Delilah her milk.

Ricky POV

After they finish eating they fall asleep. I hear Amy get up a couple times and use the bathroom, probably changing her tampon or pad or whatever. I fall asleep on the couch. I wake up and somehow it's seven thirty the next day. I walk into the room and I see John laying awake on the bed. "Hey buddy how are you?" I ask kissing his head which no longer feels warm. "Much better." He says smiling. I bring him to the kitchen and sit him on the counter. I look a t his throat and it looks fine. Hmm must have been a 24hr thing. "Look daddy!" Johns says pointing to the window. I look out and light flurries are coming down. I smile and bring him to the bathroom so he can shower. Delilah wakes up and I get her all ready to go to daycare. I get John ready as well and I drop them off. I pick Amy up who seems to be better and we both go to class.

We finish class and both me and Ricky go to work.
Finally when that's over I head home and cook dinner, Ricky comes in shortly after and helps me finish cooking. John does his homework and me and Ricky do ours while Delilah plays. Of course John needs help so Ricky helps him. "Ok John go take a bath and then it's bedtime." He sighs and walks to the bathroom. "So how was school?" Ricky asks sitting beside me on the couch. "Good, how about you." I say leaning against him. "Same thing." He says watching tv. John finishes and we put him to bed. "Good night honey." I say kissing his head and the lights. "Delilah's already asleep, what should we do?" Ricky asks. It's only 9:30 him what should we do. "Let's watch tv like normal people." I say patting the couch beside me. He sits beside me both me and him already showered. I feel myself fall asleep in Ricky. Ten minutes later he carries me to bed and gets in next to me.

It's around 1am when we get a knock on the door. Both me and Ricky get up to go get it. We open it and to my surprise it's...

A/n dun dun dun, well that's it for this chapter. As always updates everyday and I'll see you hoes tomorrow byeeeeeeeee

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