Chapter 38~ vacation

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I sit on the bed with Mason and just chill since I've been cleaning the entire day. Delilah's in day care just so I can do my homework and take care of Mason a little easier. "Guess what?" Ricky says from the doorframe. I jump a little cause I didn't here him come in. "What?" I reply smiling. "Guess which family of five just got plane tickets to go on vacation." He says. I leap up smiling. "Jenna's mom works for a travel company and they gave her a bunch of tickets to promote the company. Which means vacation for all of us." I smile hugely and kiss him happily.

"I've never actually been on a vacation, I mean I've been to New York and like to some parts of California. So where are we going?!" I ask happily. "We are going to...... Pause for affect.....Hawaii!" He says smiling. "Oh my god, I've always wanted to go to Hawaii!" I say jumping up and down.

A week later

"Are you guys ready we got a plane to catch!" Matty yells walking in. "Yup uncle Matty were all ready!" John says attempting to jump on Mattys back but fails, and falls onto the couch laughing. I'm about to walk out and Ricky looks at me funny. "What? Did I forget something?..." I ask. "Uh yeah maybe our baby." He says laughing. "Crap." I run into the room and Mason is just happily kicking his legs up and down in his crib. "That would have been like home alone huh buddy. It's a good thing you dad has the best memory." I say picking him up out of his crib.

"Alright head count. Jenna, Matty, Jaxon, John, Delilah, Ricky, Mason, Amy." I say making sure were all here. "Ok here are you passports and we will be holding onto yours." I say looking at John and Delilah. We put our baggage through and go through customs.

We sit and wait for out flight. "Do you have your pills?" Matty asks Jenna and I listen in. "Yes, I have my anxiety medication and my insomnia pills, and amy it's rude to listen in." I laugh and mutter a sorry. "You have that stuff?" I ask her. "Yeah, I don't always tale it only when I need to." she says. I nod and continue to watch Mason and Jaxon babble things to each other.

I look over and I see John crouching down and telling Delilah something. "I know you never been on a plane before but it's okay, we're all here with you." I hear him say. "Have you ever been on a plane Johnny?" Delilah asks. "Yeah, and I was fine." He says. "It'll be ok, trust your big bro." John says giving her a hug and kissing her head. Aww it's so cute I think I'm gonna die!!!

We're boarding now, and the line is so huge. We're sitting me, Ricky, Delilah, John then on the 2 seated beside me is Jenna and Matty, and of course Jaxon and Mason will be on our laps.

So we board and we all sit in our seats. "John you okay?" I ask looking past Delilah and Ricky.  He nods smiling and places his headphones on. "How about you are you okay Delilah?" I ask. She nods and Mason happily sleeps in my arms. Since we're going to Honolulu it's a 10 hour flight.

Three hours into the flight

Im dying to sleep but, ugh Ricky's asleep and someone has to watch the kids. "Ma'am would you like some coffee?" The flight attendant asks. "Yes thank you." I say and she walks off going to get the coffee. I look over at Jenna and her Matty and Jaxon are dead asleep. Delilah's asleep laying on Ricky, and John has his head back on the seat.

Mason wakes up but just smiles at me and doesn't cause a fuss. "Oh sorry hon I fell asleep, here all take him you need some rest." Ricky says smiling. He places Mason and his lap and I drowsily doze off.

Ricky Pov
Amy's dead asleep now which leaves me and Mason. But eventually he ends up falling asleep. I feel my eyes blink and blink until I finally give in and shit them. I lean my head against Amy and that's when I doze back off.

I hear the dun dun, of the seatbelt thing and that's when I realize we've slept the entire way. Were about an hour away from Honolulu. "Ames wake up, were almost there." I say kissing her head. Her beautiful eyes slowly open and I see the deep hazel eyes that mesmerize me every time. Delilah may look like me but she definitely has Amy's eyes, which is why I'm gonna have to look extra tough when it comes to boys.

She stretches out and goes to the bathroom to change Masons diaper. "Good morning daddy." Delilah's say as happily. "Hi sweetie, how'd you sleep?" I ask her smiling. "Very well, can I wake up John?" She asks since he's still dead asleep. "Sure why not." I say laughing a little. She wakes him up and he has the grumpiest expression ever. Reminds me of Amy.

We look over at Jenna and Matty and they're still snoring like crazy. "Wake up were like an hour away." Amy says shaking Jenna. Jenna nods tiredly before getting Matty and Jaxon awake. "Im so uncomfortable." Amy groans stretching her leg out in the aisle. Both me and Amy are tall as shit so it's difficult to be sitting in a cramped position. "I know, we're almost off though and then we can sleep in a nice big bed right next to the beach." Her eyes glitter and she smiles at me happily.

"We're about to land, earplugs." Amy says handing them to John,Delilah, me, Mason, Jenna, Matty, and Jaxon. We put them in cause we're the type of people that get pressure in our ears and it kills, but the weird thing is we only get it landing not taking off.

Mason looks around questionable cause he can't here anything, he makes a little noise cause he can't here and it's so cute. I haven't been able to kiss or touch Amy in like 24hrs and it's annoying me, and I know she's getting annoyed to because earlier she tried to kiss me and she couldn't.

So we land and we wait for our bags, as they come around on the belt thing. I can already feel the heat, and it's already irritating me. I think it's just cause we're tired though, I can't wait to get to our hotel and sleep.

We take this bus that's from the hotel to take us to the hotel, of course seating is me Delilah, Amy John, Jenna Matty Jaxon, and Mason's on Amy. Amy keeps looking at me weirdly and it's not the your in trouble look it's the I want you look. I mean this is so unfair were in Hawaii

We get to our rooms and it's right on the beach, best part is Delilah and John have their own room, which means me and Amy can have fun. We all get into our beds and take the biggest nap ever.

We wake up and it's around six thirty and were hungry ass shit, so we're going to a nice dinner. "Hey I just realized this is our first family vacation." Amy says smiley. "I know, let's make this a good one!" I say tossing Mason in the air and catching him.

A/N ok anotha chapter done.

QOTD:any one shot ideas I'm in desperate need

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