Chapter 16~ runaway

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Song for this chapter
The edge of forever~the dream academy. listen to that song towards the end of the chapter and it will make it 100x better

I open the door and it's Ashley. "What are you doing?!" I whisper yell at her. "I ran away, I can't marry Toby." She says walking into the apartment. Ricky shakes his head and goes back to bed. "Why can't you marry Toby, I thought he was you're one?" I question. "Yeah but, I met a guy and he's really nice and I really like him and-..." She cuts off. ''You cheated on Toby didn't you?" I ask. She nods and I let out a huge sigh.

"Who is this new guy?" I ask sitting down on the couch beside her. "Grant." She says all happy. "Wait how did you get to New York?" I ask her. "I took a plane duh. Anyways I'm tired can I crash here?" She asks me. I nod and walk back into the room and lie down beside Ricky. "She broke up with Toby and she has a knew guy Grant." I say cuddling into him. "Okay." He says falling back asleep.

I wake up and Ricky's already gone since he had class, unlike me who doesn't have class today. I walk out and in the living is ashley, John, and Delilah watching cartoons. "Good morning!" I say smiling. "Hi mommy." John says. I walk over to Delilah and her eyes light up. "Hi baby." I say picking her up and giving her a kiss. Ashley smiles at me. "You're a good mom Ames." She says. "Thanks Ashley, you're an okay sister." I say and we erupt in laughter. "Where's Ricky?" She asks looking towards the bedroom. "He left he had class early." I say. "Doesn't John have school?" She asks. "Yeah it's 8:30 his school starts at 9:00." I say looking at my watch. I pick John up and take him to his room to get ready. I get myself and Delilah ready. "You coming?" I ask ashley as I stand at the front door. She nods and follows me out.

I drop John off and I walk over to our school to pick up Ricky. "Oh my girl!" He says picking Delilah up. "She's such a daddies girl." Ashley says laughing. I look at her puzzled. "Just like johns a mommas boy, Delilah is a daddies girl." Me and Ricky shrug and walk back home.

My phone rings and it's my dad. "Where is ASHLEY!" He yell threw the phone. "One sec. ASHLEY PHONE!" She runs over and I hand her the phone. I hear my dad yelling at her and I laugh.

"So what did dad say?" I ask and Ricky snorts a laugh. "I'm getting on a flight back home tomorrow." She says mimicking my father. I cook dinner for everyone and we all eat.

John and Delilah are a sleep and Ashley's watching tv in the living room, which leaves me and Ricky alone. "So..." I say walking over to the bed. "So what?" He says looking up from his book. "I'm done." I say sitting beside him. "You're done?" He questions. "I'm done." I say putting my hand on his leg. "Well then!" He says kissing me.

"Oh wow that was great." I say laying down on top of him. "I think it's an art of how well we can keep from making noise." Ricky says laughing. I laugh and kiss him. "I love you." He says kissing my cheek. "I love you too." I say smiling.
Next morning

"Oh god cover up will you jeez!" Ashley says walking into our room. Ricky automatically pulls the cover over us. "I need someone to drive me to the airport." She says. "Alright I'll drive you." I say reaching my clothes and putting them on under the sheets. I give Ricky a quick kiss before leaving.

"Well good luck, I love you and I'll see you around." I say giving her a hug. I kiss her head and she goes through the doors. 'She's boarding now.' I text my dad. I drive back home. Ricky got the kiddies ready for school, which made things a lot quicker. I pack johns lunch and grab my backpack. We drop off Delilah and John and head to school. Ricky gives me a kiss before running off to class. I see Skylar and run over so we can walk to class together.

Much later

"I can't wait for Christmas." I say sitting on Ricky's lap. "You always loved Christmas." Ricky says laughing. "Oh yeah you think you know everything, let me quiz you on our relationship. If I win then you give me a back massage and if you win I give you one." I say smirking. "Deal" he says cocking an eyebrow. "Where was our first date?" I ask him. "Technically band camp, but you came over for dinner at my place at the time." He says and I nod. "What colour are my eyes?" I say covering them. "They're hazel with a little green." He says smiling. "Why did I pick French horn?" I ask he definitely know this one. "Peter and the wolf." He says proudly. "Not bad Underwood." I say nodding.

"Ok, what sport did I excel at?" Oh this is easy. "Baseball." I say and he nods. "Why did I pick drums?" He asks. "You didn't Mr.Sedlac did and it was to vent you're anger." He nods and smiles. "Final question, who do I like?" He says smirking. "Mee!" I say smiling. He shakes his head no and smirks. "I don't like you Amy, I love you. Big difference." He turns around and laughs. "Make sure you get the shoulders." He says chuckling. "Not fair that was a cheap win!" I say playfully punching his arm. "To bad I win." I make a fake angry look and I try running away. "No you don't!" Ricky says throwing me onto his shoulder. He lowers me so my face is like 20 centimetres from the ground. "Are you gonna do it now?" He says. "No cause I know you want drop me." I say crossing my arms and smirking. He brings me to our room and plops me on the bed.

He starts tickling me like crazy till the point where I can't breath. "Fine!" I say and he smirks in victory. He sits up and takes his shirt off. This guy is like a wolf he is so hot. And I'm not talking about looks I'm talking about temperature. I rub his back and tease him by kissing his neck, behind his ear, and his cheek. "Oh screw the massage." He says laying me down on the bed. I giggle and throw my arms around his neck. "You little shit you did that on purpose." He says smirking. I shrug and he smiles at me. He laughs before kissing me. We're both smiling against each other mouths. At this moment in time I feel happier than I've ever been. And they say teen pregnancies don't have a happy ending. Well to whoever said that you're fucking wrong!

A/N I'll post this now cause you all wanted an update so bad so here take it and go. I'll see you guys soon

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