Chapter 45~fight

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Jenna POV

"Hey uh what are you guys doing back so early?" I ask trying to play it off cool. "Ashely pushed me away so I'm not bowing down to her, where are my kiddos." She says smiling. "What no hug?" Nows my chance to get a hug before she kills me. She hugs me awkwardly, but soon pulls back and smile at something behind me. Busted big time yeah. "Mommy!" Delilah yells running onto Amy. "Hi!" Amy says kissing her. "Have a good time?" Oop here it comes. "Yeah aunt Jenna and uncle Matty are so funny, they do what you and daddy do a lot, except when they wrestle they do it alone and use their mouth." I cringe and Amy, shoots me a glare.

"Sounds funny, uh homey why don't you go play and tell your brother your here." Amy says and Delilah runs off. "That's it your dead." Amy says. "I'm sorry, it's just she walked in and I'm sure she's walked in on you guys before." I defend. "For your information, she never has because we're smarter than that, I am never leaving my kids with you guys again." I don't understand why she's picking fights. "Every time I leave them here a get a story that they shouldn't have been told, God can you too not keep your hands off each other for at least a day.

"So don't leave them here, but watch your gonna come back next week oh I'm sorry Blah blah blah I need to leave the kids here I have an emergency, you chose to be a parent honey you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk. Let me answer that you can't, you'd literally leave and forget about your children in a split second. I don't know how I was ever friends with a bitch like you, and you can forget about being Jaxons godmother." I had to tell her.

"Guys lets go." Her voice shaky. Ricky walks off and grabs Mason from the crib. "Oh and Amy, Ricky deserves much better than you. You put him through so much just for your fun. And from what I see you don't love him." I close the door right on her.

"Jenna that was kinda harsh." Matty says stepping in front of me and sighing. "It was the truth she had to hear it." I walk off and go to bed not wanting to deal with this.

Ricky POV

We get home and Amy has been silent for a long time. We put the kids to bed, and Amy just gets into our bed no saying a word and closing her eyes. "It's not true what she said, I don't deserve better cause your already my better if that makes any sense. And I know you do love me." I say placing her forehead against mine. "You can cry if you-" she starts crying, there it is. I pull her close and she just cries it all out.

"I'm a terrible mother." She says crying. "No you're not." I hear from the doorframe, I look back and it's John and Delilah. "Your the best mom ever, we love you." They jump up on the bed and hug her. I quickly run out and grab Mason who's still just staring at the dangled thing in his crib with toys on it.

I bring him to our room, where Delilah and John are all set up to spend the night. I hand Mason to Amy, and he curls onto and makes a cooing noise. "It's mommy, sorry for not loving you more." She says kissing his head. Delilah crawls up next me, and nestles herself in my arm. "Goodnight daddy." She says sighing. "Goodnight dells." I say leaning down. "Night!" John yells from, the couch in our room. "Goodnight John." Me and Amy say in unison.

I wake up early and Delilah is happy smiling up at me, along with Mason. I put my finger up to her lip to silence her, I grab her and Mason and walk to the kitchen.

"What shall it be today, Delilah you get to pick!" I say smiling. "Pancakes!!!" She says bouncing up and down. "Pancakes it is, and you Mason. I'm think milk warmed up?" Mason squeals and I smile. I make Mason his milk first, and I feed and burp him.

I place him in his play pen, and I place Delilah on the counter. She helps me make the pancakes, just like Amy John likes sleeping in late, but like me Delilah and Mason love waking up early.

Eventually Amy wakes up and so does John, she's still upset even though she won't admit it. "Mom, I have Sams birthday party today, and Sams sister is asking if Delilah can go over to play." John says eating breakfast. "Yes John, he's gifts on the counter your dad will drop you guys off." I nod and get up to go get the kids ready.

I drop them off, and come back and Jenna's here. "Leave me alone Jenna, you're a bitch and I want nothing to do with you." Amy says stepping closer to Jenna. "What are you gonna do." Jenna questions like an asshole. "I broke your nose, I can break it again." Jenna smirks and attempts to hit Amy, but she dodges and knocks Jenna right in the ribs. That's my girl, Jenna leaves fuming and Amy stands there rubbing her hand.

"Let me see." I say smiling softly. She nods, she probably just hurt her knuckle I get her some ice and she smiles at me. Me and Matt gotta stop this.

More feels I'm sorry, Jenna's being a bitch! Anyways updates erry day and yeah bye.

QOTD:how's school

AOTD:surprisingly good, and I can to MATH who would of known

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