Chapter 27~wedding

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Amy Pov

So my dad's getting married today to Kathleen baumann for the second time. "You okay?" Ricky asks as were just about to leave. "Mhmm I'll be fine as long as you stay with me." I say smiling. "Where am I possibly gonna go?" I kiss him and we get into the car.

"Amy." Ashley says emotionless sitting beside me. "Ashely." I say the same way. "Girls behave." My mother says turning around. "Amy this is grant." She says pointing to the guy beside her. "Grant, Amy." We say shaking hands. "That's Ricky my husband, and Delilah and John my kids." I say and he smiles. "Nice to meet you all." Of course Ricky puts his arm protectively over me.

The ceremony was nice except for the part when Delilah started balling her eyes out and Ricky had to take her outside. Grace keeps smiling at me and it's getting kinda annoying. "Amy no, stop relax." Ricky whispers to me. Finally it's over.

"Oh Amy cmere I want you to meet someone." My dad says. "Amy this is you're grandma." Oh my gosh I haven't seen her in years. "Amy!!!!" She yells hugging me tightly. "Oh look at how big you are." She says hugging me. "You're so beautiful, I wonder how you're baby's are gonna look." My eyes widen and my dad laughs. "Mom c'mon, she knows Ames." Whooo that would have been tough. "John, cmere and bring you're father!" I yell out.

Ricky comes over holding Delilah and johns clinging to his leg. "This is John, Delilah and Ricky my husband." I say and my grandma smiles. She talks to the kids before John runs off with Delilah clinging on to his shirt.

"Amy you've got yourself a very good looking man." My grandma says and I laugh a little. "You gonna stay around or?" I ask. "You know me kid, I never stay anywhere for long." She says smiling. We all leave and head to some restaurant.

"You okay?" Ricky ask cause the smell of food is literally making me sick. "Wwhy wwwould yyooou assk tthat?" I ask stuttering. "Amy your practically green. You feeling sick?" He asks as we sit our table. "The smell of food is just making me nauseous." I say leaning my head on his shoulder. He kisses my head and I drift off.

I open my eyes and I'm in my room with Ricky sleeping beside me. I'm just about to ask what happened when Ricky flicks the light on. "You fell asleep, I carried you to the car and brought you home." He says getting up. "Where you going?" I ask sitting up. "Uh it's kinda 7:30am." Jeez I slept long. I get up cause I got work.

"You want me to drive you?" I ask Ricky. "Sure, it's raining I am not messing up this hair in the rain." Recently he has this thing with hair, it's very important to him cause Matty freaked him out saying he was going bald.

I Drop Ricky off and head to work aka johns school. Since it's raining the parents have to walk the kids in and leave them at their class. I drop John off and all the girls in his class go aww when they see him holding Delilah. He smiles just like Ricky, oh my god he's a mini Ricky. "Hello Mrs.Underwood how are you today?" Johns teacher asks me. "I'm ok, how are you Mrs.Smith?" I ask grabbing Delilah from John as he goes and sits down. "I'm fine thanks." She says sitting back down. "Oh John, daddy's picking you up he finishes class early ok?" I ask and John nods.

John POV
My mom just left which means I'm finally alone around my friends. "Hey your moms kinda hot." Sam says nudging my elbow. Peter,Chris, and Nick all nod. "You guys are gross, try telling my dad my moms hot you'll see how hot headed he gets." I say and they all sit back in their seats quietly. I do like Olivia, she's cute. I wonder why mom keeps calling me a miniature Ricky. I know he's my dad but I don't get how we're alike, eh whateves.

Ricky POV
I sit in my seat beside Steve and we engage in small conversation. "Yo, my chick is preggers." He says smiling. "Congrats dude." I say smiling. "I seriously can't wait till we graduate, that way I could go to work instead of sitting here for hours copying mindless notes." He says shaking his head. "Tell me about it, speaking of which I gotta pick up my kid at 3:30 and class finishes at 4:00. You think you can email me the notes?" I ask him. "Yeah, no problem." He says smiling.

It's 3:15 and I'm leaving class now. I walk all the way and man the streets are packed in New York during rush hour. I would go see Amy, but the only way to go into the nursery is from inside the school so yeah. But it's raining so maybe they'll let me in. The doors are open so I'm just gonna walk to johns class.

I'm standing outside of the class and all these old ass soccer moms keep looking at me. Yeah um I don't like cougars, I like Amy though, but she's not a Cougar hmm me and Amy have that in common were not good at analogies.

Amy comes down the hall and smiles at me. "Hi." She says giving me a kiss. "Hi, how come you're down here, I told you I'd pick him up." I say smiling. "Oh, I had to go give this kids new health record, to the office." She replies and I nod. "What do you want for dinner, I'm thinking chicken and rice?" I ask her. "Sounds good, I'll see you at home bye." She's about to walk away but I stop her. "Do you want me to take Delilah to or?" I ask. "No I think she'll be okay with me. But thanks." She gives me a kiss and walks off.

"Dad!!!!!!!!" John yells running out of his class towards me. "Hey John." I say grabbing his backpack for him. "Um Ricky." One of johns friends asks tapping my leg. "Amy's hot!" The kid yells running off with a group of friends. "Care to explain?" I ask John who's face palming himself. "They started calling mom hot, and I said try saying that to my dad and you'll see how hot headed he gets." I laugh internally. "That's my boy." I say first bumping him.

I'm pretty much just finishing up dinner when Amy comes through the door, with a happy Delilah. "Hey my girl." I say picking up Delilah. "Hi." Amy responds. "I was talking to Delilah, but hey honey." I say jokingly. She swats my arm before walking over to John and talking to him and stuff.

"Amy, can you set the table?" I ask as I'm holding Delilah while making rice. Amy nods and John helps her. "So how was school?" I ask John. "Good, except we didn't have recess cause it was raining." He says upset. "What about you how was your day?" I ask a smiling Delilah. "Gggooooud." She says sounding it out. Both me and Amy smile at each other. "How was school?" Amy asks me. "Gggoooud." I say like Delilah which causes Amy to start laughing hysterically.

"How's the baby?" I ask as were getting in bed. "Baby's good." She doesn't have a bump, but just knowing the baby is in there is making me so excited, and I can tell she is too. "The only concern is the age difference." Amy says. "It's not that bad, Delilah is 5 years younger than John and the next baby will be two years from Delilah." I say and she nods. "You're right, God can you imagine their teenage years." She says smiling. "Delilah is not getting pregnant and the boys are not sleeping around or getting anyone pregnant!" I say sternly. She just laughs and cuddles close to me as we fall asleep.

A/N so I made an executive decision and there will be in fact a book three. I lied about this book ending soon, I actually still have a lot of ideas left so yeah. I feel like I should do questions of the day, cause I feel like that would be fun so yeah. QOTD:in the show what characters did you wish you could see more of together....AOTD:Amy and Jack, cause like the entire series they never actually like had a conversation. I kind of have a feeling that if they did become friends Jack would kinda be like an older brother for Amy, but that's just my opinion peace✌🏻️

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