Chapter 62~dates

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I cant believe it my little baby is going on his first date. "Remember no funny business, and you better treat the girl nicely." Ricky says. "Ok dad, I think I got it." John says laughing and putting on his jacket. "Alright I love you and good luck." I say kissing his cheek.

"Amy John looking snappy!" Chris says walking in and smoothing down Johns shirt. "Yeah whatever." John says rolling his eyes an leaving.

"Chris you have specific rules for watching the kids, if you break any even in the slightest way....there will be consequences." I say and Ricky nods. "Chill Ms.U everything will be fine." He says smiling.

"Everything will be fine, cause your mom will be checking up on you hourly. There's money for pizza on the counter and emergency numbers on the fridge." I say grabbing my purse and almost walking out.

"Ok bye guys." I say kissing Delilah and Mason. "What no kiss for me?" Chris asks dreamily. "You can have a hug." I hug him quickly and back, back up into Ricky's arm.

We walk out, gosh I hope that kid knows what he's doing, no not Chris, John!

Chris POV

"Alright, let's have a good night shall we?" I ask the kids clasping my hands. "How about we don't." Mason says yelling and screaming and running around the room. "Could you?" I ask Delilah hopefully.

"This ones on you buddy." She says patting my arm and walking to her room. "Hey Mason hey, how about we play some hide and seek?!" I say. "Yeah I'll count." He says. "No it's better if I count that way you have more time." I say and he nods. "Ok 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19-" once he's out of sight, I sit on the couch and flip through channels.

"Point one Chris point zero kids." I say to myself laughing.

John POV

Im out with Nicole and it's actually going pretty well. "So let's play twenty one questions." Nicole says as we're sitting around waiting for our movie to start. "Hmm maybe about 10 questions." I say smiling.

"Ok first question, why'd you go out with me?" She asks smiling. "I your nice and your eyes I just get lost in them." She smirks and presses her lips to me thanks dad! I say in my head.

Amy Pov

"I don't wanna go home." I groan as me and Ricky walk. "Well, I mean what else are we gonna do?" Ricky says sighing.

"Ooooo how about a movie." I say smiling. "Well it is only six." He says smiling, we walk a little quicker to see if we can catch a movie.

Chris Pov

Well Amy and Ricky are going to kill me. "Mason that's it calm down!" I raise my voice. "Sorry Chris." He says sitting down on the couch gulping.

"You are going to clean all your mess up while I order a pizza for us." I say and he nods. Point two Chris point zero kids

"Hey uh Chris I'm getting hungry." Delilah says walking out of her room. "Yup, I'm ordering the pizza now." I say smiling, she nods and walks to her room again.

I get the pizza and we all eat silently. "Chris you didn't give Mason coke did you?" Delilah asks uneasily. "Yeah why?" I ask nervously. "Good luck with that." She cleans up and walks back to her room, I look at Mason and oh no.........CAFFEINE! SUGAR HIGH!

Amy Pov

We're in the movie theatre watching a movie, when I see john and Nicole walk in. "Ricky." I say nudging him and using my head to point to them.

"Is that John?" He asks, and nod and he smirks. "Let him be." Ricky says pulling me into his side.

John yawns and stretches his arm placing it around Nicole. "That's my boy." Ricky whispers in my ear and I can't help but chuckle quietly.

Hmm we haven't called Chris......I'm sure he's fine.

Chris Pov

"Mason please!" I yell out. "Never i will never go to sleep!" He yells jumping on the couch, I attempt to grab him but fail and fall face first on the couch. So so tired........

John Pov

I walk Nicole up to her door as we're just approaching her curfew. "I had a really nice time John." She says smiling and playing with my fingers.

"Me too, we should go out again sometime." I say smiling. "Yeah. Goodnight John." She whispers smiling. I lean in gently and so does she , our lips touch and damn this isn't bad for a first kiss.

She pulls back smiling before walking into her house. "Yes!" I yell running down the street.

Amy Pov

We get home and find Chris no where.....oh no. We walk to the living room and find Mason and Chris asleep cuddled on the couch.

Ricky takes Mason and brings him to bed. "Chris honey, you fell asleep." I say sitting on the coffee table and lightly shaking him. "Huh oh Mason!" He says sitting up. "Shh shh, Masons fine he fell asleep on you." I say putting my finger to his lip.

"Now do you want to sleep over with John since it's Friday or do you want me to drive you home." I ask.

"Uh can you drive me my moms expecting me." He says getting up. I nod and grab my car keys.

I drive Chris home and as I'm driving I see John walking bye himself. "Hey kiddo get in." I say pulling up, he jumps at first but smiles and gets in the car.

"So how was Chris with the kids?" He asks as we're driving home. "Good, how was your date with Nicole?" I ask smiling. "Good." He says and I laugh.

I get home and john goes to his bed and I go to mine and Ricky's.

"I picked John up on the way back." I say changing into pjs. "Ok." He says smiling.

"See feel like doing anything?" He asks tracing circles on my arm. "Well-" I'm cut off by loud knocking on the door.

Ricky looks at me funny and I follow him to the door. "POLICE HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" They yell busting in with guns.

"What what's happening?!" I ask putting my hands up and so does Ricky. "Ma'am we followed your car and we noticed you picked up a minor boy, that's kidnapping where is the child?!" He asks.

"You mean John?! John is my son! Out son!" Ask confused. "Mom dad what's goin-oh hey woah!" John says putting his hands up.

"There's the boy, young man don't worry we're here to save you!" The cop yells. "From what?! I live here and those are my parents!" He yells.

"Ohhhhh. Ohh I see. Ma'am I'm so terribly sorry for this assumption and mistake. You guys are free to go." He says and they all put their guns away.

They all walk out and me, John and Ricky all look at each other dumbfounded. I just shake my head and walk back to bed.

"Do you still feel like doing anything or-..........never mind then." He says since I pull off my shirt. He pulls his off and stands in front of me. "I love you Amy." He says smiling, before pressing his lips to mine. "We're going to go very slow tonight." He says kissing my neck, and I groan.

I lay down and he lays down beside me. "You sure you still want to do it?" He asks me, I nod and bite my lip. "Hold on." I say reaching the drawer and pulling out a condom. "Here." He nods and places it on.

He leans his forehead against mine, and he pushes himself slowly in. He goes slow......very slow, which honestly is pretty good. I lean my head back, and he kisses my neck again and I love it.

We both finish after, and he smiles at me. "That was definitely interesting." He says and I nod, just wanting him to hold me. "Did know......cum?" He asks, pulling me against him. "Yup." I say slowly closing my eyes. "Goodnight Amy." He says and it's the last thing I remember before drifting off.

Aye mind cutesy chapter, with som dirty. Just some CaptainAmerica1000 and secretlife_ramy_15 cause they always vote and comment peace.

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