Chapter 8- The date Pt. 2

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Literally tho I'm Josh jealous of Jenna in the background

I started to chuckle a little the way I saw Josh having trouble with his chopsticks.

"I thought you said you came here a lot."

Josh says, "I do! I just have trouble..."

I chuckle some more as I show off using my chopsticks the right way. "If you come here often then how do you use them?" I laugh more.

"Well I just stab it and eat it." We both laugh to that.

"Okay okay, this summer I neeed to take you on my favorite roller coaster at uhh like this adventure theme park thing."

"That would be sooo sick!" Josh smiled and was really happy.

Then Josh said this...

"Okay, so I need to know the real Tyler. If we're gonna...hang out." My eyebrows furrow and I reply with,

"What do you mean?" I said slowly.

"Like I'm gonna ask you some personal questions."

I choked and swallow my roll whole. Ow. I cough a little, "Okay *cough* but I get to ask some in re-*cough*turn."

"Deal. I can't wait to get to know you Joseph." Giving me a dirty sly half smile.

"Okay okay, umm when did you lose your virginity?" Josh asked with no problem.

I gag and fight for breath, "JESUS!"

"Whaat, were both a couple of 28 year olds! We're mature!"

"I-I'm actually 27..." I feel like a child.

"Awwwe! You're such a baby, my little baby boy!" I felt like that's what Josh was gonna call me from now on...(smh)

"Well to answer your question, I was 17."

"Really? Me too actually."

"It was with my girlfriend Jenna, since I came out like 6 years ago."

"Okay okay this is going well, now you ask me a question little baby boy."

I roll my eyes and ask, "When did you find out you were bisexual?"

He replies fast, "Two and a half years ago."

"Okay cool." I hope this is going well for him and not awkward like it is for me.

"Alrighty okay hmmm..."

I'm scared.

"What was your last boyfriend like?"

That kinda hit me since I had to think about Ryan...Ugh.

"Ugh, well..."

"From what I remember when we first met, he thought you were 'too much to handle'."

"Yeah, um well his name was Ryan. And I thought I was in love with him, but turns out he was just an asshole and I want to know why I didn't realize it before."

"Wow he sounds like such a prick." When Josh said that it made me happy because I felt like he understood since no one else cared. Plus he's so adorable when he curses.

"Yeah he really was, but at the same time he was just a-amazing. But he wasn't though and I just don't know how to explain it."

"I-i think I get it, sort of." Josh says.

"May I ask the same about you?"

"Oh yeah...Dallon."

So that's the guy who broke Josh's heart. Didn't he say, 'he just used him for his body' or something.

"Well he just used me for my body and I don't think he even loved me."

"Kinda sounds like Ryan."

"Yeah he just- I l-loved him back though." Josh starts to frown.

I look at him and his face makes me sad. I get him to look up and I say,

"I-it's okay, I'm here w-with you." And we both smile and that triggered something in both of us that made us know that we sort of needed something like each other in our lives. Because at this second in time all I saw looking at josh was a glowing light around him in such an angel like structure.

We quickly finish our food and head to the car. We hold hands and start laughing as we approach the car. Josh gets into his side, and my door doesn't open we both start laughing. He opens it and we look at each other still giggling, and then we slowly stop.

I see a shine in his eyes.

We both head in for it at the same time, feeling our lips connect to each other. The touch of mine against his feels like my problems have been melted away, melted away at the feeling, the desire for him. The ache for him and his beautiful features, his eyes, his body, his arms, just his face alone, god there's nothing more that I love about him than his personality. I feel everything, everything when I see his eyes scrunch up when he talks or laughs. He breaks the kiss and it felt like we were kissing for hours but only happening to be 3 minutes.

"Ow." He says, reconnecting his lips to mine, running his fingers through my hair.

"What's wrong?" I say kissing back.

"The clutch, it's digging into my side." We both giggle and laugh, "God, you're so beautiful."

We keep kissing in between each sentence.

"Not as much as you Joshua."

"Joshua seems so formal." He giggles as do I.

"I really like you." I say.

"I like you more."

"Is this going to be a competition?"

"Hey you're the one who said sushi gets you wild." We smile connecting our lips over and over.

The kiss becomes a little too heated, I flinch a little.

"Not yet." I say killing me inside.


"Because I want to start slow jish. I want to get to know the real Josh."

We both laugh at that too continuing to connect to each others lips. Waiting till we know each other more since we're just beginning.

Oh the gay.

But they're going to start slow...

EDIT; lmao nope no smut nopenopenope

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