The Announcement

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Genevieve's POV

"So Genevieve, at the beginning of the show you said you had exciting news. Why don't you tell us what it is now?"

  I look at Arsenio Hall then out at the audience. Tonight was the night when we told the world. What better place to do it than on the talk show of a dear friend? All eyes are on me and I feel a nervous twinge in my heart. Everyone is waiting for my big announcement. I glance over at my husband, making sure he's ready. He holds my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles. He smiles and nods at me, giving me the reassurance I need. "" I start off nervously. All sorts of anxiety is running through me right now. I guess he sensed it because his grip on my hand tightened. After gathering my thoughts and gaining some courage I look out to the crowd. "Prince and I are going to have a baby."i smile feeling relieved as I look out and see nothing but people cheering and clapping.

  "Wow, congratulations you two. Prince, man, how'd you take the news?"

  He smiles, looking over at me. I can't help but blush and look back.

  "How'd I take it when I  found out that my wife, my other half, my soul mate, is carrying my child and we will get to bring another life into this world? I was so overjoyed I became speechless.", He kisses my hand, looks me in my eyes and smiles wider as he finishes his enthusiastic comment. I look into his big hazel eyes and my heart melts. His expression is so full of love and happiness that it almost brings tears to my eyes. Let's hold off on these mood swings, I'm not that pregnant. Not yet, anyway.

  "How far along are you?", Arsenio says practically leaning out of his chair.

  "Two months.", I say softly, giving him a innocent smile.

"Wow, that is absolutely amazing. Well that's all the time we have for tonight. Again, congrats to you both. Keep us posted. Until next time, I'm Arsenio Hall. Good Night everyone."

  Prince stands and walks over to Arsenio, who stands up and shakes his hand.

Prince's POV

  "Congratulations, man. Seriously." I can't help but smile. Arsenio is the first of my friends to know and he's taking it really well.

  "Thanks, Arsenio. I really appreciate it. I just hope things don't go the way they did with Mayte.", I sigh. Things really did go sour with her. I really thought she would be my forever but after what happened I just couldn't stick around.

"Come on, man. We both know that stuff would never go down with Genevieve."

Sighing softly, I nod my head. " Yea, man you're right." We keep talking for a little bit longer about miscellaneous things. I look over my shoulder to see Genevieve slowly dozing off. "I'll have to catch up with you more later. Looks like the Mrs. is getting tired."

  "Alright. Nice talking with you Prince. Take care of her."

  "You know I will. Later, Arsenio." I walk away and walk over to my beautiful wife. She sits up as if she wasn't just half asleep and smiles. I hold her hand helping her up and lead her backstage and out to the car.

"You know Prince, I'm not completely helpless. I can still get around. Don't stop your world to take care of me.", she says as I open her door and help her in the car.

  Once I know she settled I close the door and get in on the driver's side. "You are my world, mama . It's my job to take care you. Both of you." I touch her stomach gently and pull off, taking a straight course home.

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