Breakfast at Genevieve's

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Genevieve's POV

My mom's been visiting the house regularly since her arrival, Prince has been home all week, and Lanai has moved into the bedroom beside ours. Everyone is anticipating the arrival of my babies. It feels good to have the people I care about close to me.

Prince and I emerge from our bedroom and head downstairs. Ever since he's been home, Prince has been absolutely amazing. Well, even more amazing. He's not stressed and tired but he's energized and alert and just the sweetest thing. He leads me into the kitchen and I see my mom isn't at the table, drinking coffee, like she has been every morning this week.

"Where's my mom?", my heart breaks a little because in the past week, I'd forgotten what it was like to miss my mom.

"She told us she was gonna do some sightseeing today, Genny. Remember?" I sit there reflecting on Prince's statement and pout slightly.

"Oh...yea... I forgot...", we take a seat at the table and we begin to brainstorm about breakfast.

"What do you want to eat?"

"I'm not really hungry, but I could go for a waffle."

"Waffles got it...", he turns around and looks at the kitchen then turns back, " How the hell do you make waffles?"

"Go get the waffle iron, a big bowl, some flour, eggs, milk, baking soda, cinnamon, vegetable oil, sugar, vanilla and my good whisk." He scrambles around the kitchen grabbing the ingredients and puts them in front of me. "Go plug the waffle iron in over there and open it and wash your hands" Once he returns to the table I begin measuring out the ingredients. He sits watching me eyeball everything. I push the bowl in front of him and hand him the whisk. "There you go babe."

"What'd you mean there you go?"

"You asked me how to make waffles. I measured out your ingredients. Start whisking." He looks at me with big startled eyes. His eyes grow lighter and greener with the realization he's making breakfast and it isn't an omelette. He takes the whisk and puts it in the bowl and begins whisking all the ingredients together, immediately making a mess. "Okay so here's a little pro tip. Don't go too crazy when you start. Start slow, then once everything's mostly combined you can go faster." He nods and tries again which goes a lot better. While he does that I get up and wash my hands.

"Now what?", he asks turning to face me still whisking.

"Come over here." He stands up and walks over to the waffle iron. I run my hand under the sink and splash water on the waffle iron checking to see if it's hot. It immediately begins to evaporate which is a signal to me that it's done but scared Prince a little.

"Why'd you do that?"

"To see if it was hot. Now I'll make the first one so you can see how it works." He hands me the batter, I pour a little bit in the center and close the lid. "Okay now we wait for a little bit." After about a minute I open the waffle iron and take the waffle out with my hand and place it on a plate. "When you take it out don't do what I just did. You'll burn yourself, just use a spatula." He nods and I leave him to the task of making waffles. I have a seat and watch him go through all the steps cautiously. I close my eyes for two point five seconds and then I hear...

"Shit! That's hot!"

Without opening my eyes I say. "You tried to be smooth and take it out with your hand didn't you?"

"How the hell was I supposed to know it burned that bad?"

"Maybe because it's hot."

"Why didn't it burn you?"

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