Ready for My Close Up

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Genevieve's POV

"I'll be doing hair and Kenya will be doing makeup." I smile widely for one simply reason: Eli has an afro. Not many of the  Hollywood hair stylists I encounter know how to create a perfect afro but he has one. There's no doubt in my mind that this will turn out at least mostly decent. "Now to my understanding- terribly sorry but what should we refer to you as?"

"Genevieve is fine."

"Okay. Well, to my understanding Genevieve, you want to keep your afro for the first few shoots?"

I nod. I continue to smile because this man has a clipboard in front of him and is reading off notes. Who is he and why is he so great? Oh god I'm so pregnant. Even my thoughts are hormonal as hell.

"Is it okay if I do different variations?"

"Such as?"

"Well, this first set of shots is inspired by living in a state of nature. You're both living off the land. It wouldn't be believable if you had a perfectly sculpted afro so I suggest a more bold, rigged afro."

"Understood. Variations are fine."

"Okay well I'll start on that right away." He begins setting up shop. He immediately pulls out a blow dryer and starts stretching my hair. I look over and see Prince putting on a robe.

"You can show your body to the world on an album cover, but heaven forbid the makeup artist and hair stylist see you in a loincloth.", I say sarcastically. Everyone but Prince begins laughing. He gives me a look and all I do is smile.

"What about you Miss 'Image Isn't Everything'?" I squint at him as his lips form a smirk.

"Don't start with me! I'm too pregnant for this."

"But you aren't too pregnant to smack Mayte into the ground?"

"Nope. She can get an ass whoopin' served to her any time any day." Eli and Kenya begin to laugh.

"Pay up, Eli! I told you the story was true!"

"Ugh, fine. I'll give you, your money later. Right now I gotta start on his hair." Eli moves from behind me and stands behind Prince. "Do you have any preferences sir?"

"No, but I would prefer if you explain why you owe her money."

Kenya and Eli start laughing all over again.

"We were watching tv one day and there was a story about Genevieve smacking Mayte at Paisely Park.", Eli says wetting Prince's hair, making is shrink up.

"It was the funniest thing. I could see it all play out but he just didn't think it was true.", Kenya says walking over to me, beginning to apply my makeup.

"If she wasn't a celebrity and you saw her on the street, baby bump and all, would you have thought she got down like that? She just seems so loving and kind. I couldn't imagine her doing something like that.", Eli says picking Prince's long, dark curls.

"We asked some of our friends what they thought. It was an even split. So we made a deal. If we ever find out loser gives the other twenty bucks."

"Sounds fair, but yes I smacked her. Hard. I am as loving and kind as you think I am Eli I just don't tolerate bullshit." Prince shoots me daggers. He hates when I tell my personal stories. He thinks I should be just as private and secretive as he is. My story is my story damn it. If I wanna tell my stories so that people can learn from them, I will. The paparazzi know better than to start shit with me. Let me calm down.

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