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Genevieve's POV

The guests have arrived and everyone is sitting and enjoying themselves. Prince and I have been walking around to each table to talk with everyone.

"This is a fantastic party." Arsenio calls out raising his glass to us as we pass him.

"Yea and such a great idea. I never would've thought of a gender reveal party. What a great way to announce the sex of a baby!", Lisa says.

"Oooh! Lisa said the B word. Gimme a button!" I exclaim holding out my bag.  Lisa sighs and drops one in. "Thank you very much."

"Come on Genevieve! Are you really gonna get me every time?"

"Don't hate the player, hate the game."I shrug chuckling. I plan to get everyone at least once by the end of this party but I won't have to if I take all of Lisa's buttons.

Prince chuckles, shaking his head and turns to me whispering, "Is it time yet?"

He's been asking that since the party started. He's just tired of keeping it a secret.

"The party seems to be in full swing. I guess we can do it now." He grins at me then grips my hand, escorting me to the stage. I didn't notice it before but there's a table on stage too. On it was a quilted white box covered in pink and blue pearls and two wine glasses filled with sparkling apple cider.

Lanai comes from out of nowhere and hands us microphones. Everyone notices us and turns towards the stage instinctively.

"Good afternoon everybody. It's the time we've all been waiting for....Especially Prince."

The crowd laughs and Prince shrugs off my comment.

"Actually before we do that. I'd like to make a toast. To my loving wife, soulmate and other half." Prince turns to me and holds my hand. "Thank you for being there for me and being so supportive of everything I do. Even now when you need me most, you push me to work on my career and my music. You remind me who I am and where I came from and help me become who I want to be. Thank you for being strong and staying by my side through everything. I just hope I am the man you need me to be." Resting his hand on my cheek, he wipes away a couple fallen tears.

I hold my glass tighter. "To you, my husband, my best friend, my everything. Thank you for the many blessing given to me through you. Thank you for our marriage, for our future child, for all the little and big things you've done for me personally. Thank you for trusting me and letting me see past the stage lights and cameras and straight into your heart. "

He wipes away more tears and smiles at me. I turn to our guests raising my glass. "And to all of you our family and close friends. Thank you all for joining us today and helping us through the pregnancy and just being people we can rely on. They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well you are all part of the village that'll help us raise this baby. Thank you so much for your love and support." We all cheer and take a sip of our drinks.

"And thank you for wasting my time."

I look out into the crowd and see the devil herself. Mayte walks toward the stage with way too much confidence. Her black attire standing out against all the white decor. Good things she's dressed for her own funeral. I come down from the stage and Prince follows suit.

"Who the fuck let this catty in here?!" She's only been here for a couple minutes and I'm already pissed.

"Who are you calling a catty, you burnt toad?"

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