The Awakening

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I wake up around 12 and Prince isn't beside me. I look around the room but it's hard to see when the only light you have is a small ass tv. I stand up and begin walking through the hospital in search of my husband. "Good thing I asked for a mobile IV." I walk around quietly peaking into different rooms. I open one door and see an older woman watching tv. "I'm so sorry ma'am. I didn't mean to disturb you."

"That's quite alright love. Come sit with me." I slowly walk into the room and have a seat in the chair beside her bed. We sat in silence for a while then she looked over at me noticing my baby bump. "How far along are you?"

"I'm seven and a half months." She smiles wide and takes my hands in hers.

"Oh my stars. Is this your first time being pregnant?" I nod and she tightens her grip. "Ooh I can tell you'll be an amazing mother. Such a kind young woman like you." I smile and look up at the tv.

"Genevieve in the hospital? Our sources tell us that Genevieve was rushed out of the home she shares with her husband, Prince, and to the hospital. Some believe that it is due to complications with her pregnancy. More on this later."

"Isn't she seven and a half months pregnant, Camille?"

"She sure is Johnny. If this trip to the hospital is, in fact, due to her pregnancy this could be the third and forth time Prince has lost a child."

"Well let's hope that isn't why she's in the hospital. Here's Lucas with the weather."

"That's you isn't it?" I nod to her and she gives me a sorry look.

"You and your babies will be alright. Here's are a few words of advice, always believe your maternal instincts, make sure your babies grow up in a stable home, and last but not least make time for yourself and your husband when the babies are born. Don't become so busy with the babies you forget to take care of the people who made them who they are."

"Thank you for your wisdom- oh goodness I never asked your name."

"Lyra.", she says smiling. Such a beautiful name. I close my eyes and say it to myself in hopes that it'll slow me to remember it.

"Well thank you for your wisdom Miss Lyra."

"Oh please, just Lyra is fine. I haven't been a Miss in forty-nine years.", we both chuckle and I begin to stand up.

"Well Lyra, I thinks it's time the two of us get some rest. Sleep well."

"You too darling. Take care of them sweet heart."

"I will.", I proclaim walking out of the door. I take a stroll down the hall and back to my room.

"Where were you?" Prince says from the bed.

"I was looking for you, honey. Where did you go?" I climb into bed and he pulls me close.

"I had to make a phone call. Sorry I worried you. "

I kiss his cheek and whisper, " Don't be." I rub his back and hum random tunes softly. Soon my husband is fast asleep.

After two hours of Golden Girls I finally feel somewhat tired. I begin to drift off to sleep until the phone rings.

"Hello?", I speak tiredly into the phone sitting up.

"Hey doll, did you miss me?"

"Mayte? How the hell did you get this number?",

"Oh such boring details. How was lunch? Did you enjoy that salad I got for you?", she says with an evil grin.

"You're the one who poisoned me? That's low even for you."

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