Pillow Talk (Revised)

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(Skip to 5:33 if you just wanna hear the song. If not enjoy some guitar first.)

Genevieve's POV

After a long day on set Prince and I decided to just rest. After a quiet dinner, he went straight to bed. I guess all the shit that happened today really drained him. I sat in the den reading, not wanting to disturb him and being wide awake. After finishing my magazines, I head upstairs and change into a night gown. When I'm finally ready for bed, I step out of the bathroom and look at the bed to see Prince isn't there. I take a look around a notice the lavender drapes in front of the balcony door are flowing. I head towards them and see Prince standing on the balcony in his silk pajamas. "Husband, are you okay?"

"They're mine right?" He turns to face me and I see tears begin to fall. He's been crying for a while now. I can see the old tear stains on his face. Heart aching, I stand beside him at the railing and look out on Minneapolis.

"Of course they are. Don't let your relationship with Mayte change how you look at ours."

He sighs and stands behind me, resting his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry baby. I'm just-"

"Prince, you were my first. Don't you remember?"

He kisses my shoulder. "We took our time, then we stayed in our room until noon the next day. That was a beautiful night." He chuckles lightly against my neck, as he finishes.

"I've never felt another man's touch because your's is the only touch I desire. You make me feel something that I don't think I would ever feel with someone else. Why would I want to ruin that by sleeping with another man? "He smiles against my skin making my flesh hot as he holds me close, hiding behind my shoulder. "I know you're blushing. Don't act shy now." He nuzzles closer to me and I feel his cheeks growing hotter. "All your brothers call you Prince, but..."

"But the ladies call me electric man." He says giggling.

"Ah, ah, ah. Again with some feeling. All your brothers call you Prince." I sing.

"But you call me electric man."He sings back to me, kissing up my neck.

"Oh, do I now?" I smirk as he hands explore my body.

"If you didn't before you're about to." He smirks and picks me up bridal style, kissing me sweetly. He's careful as he carries me into the room. He sets me in the bed and gives me time to decide how I want this to work. Having sex with this giant belly is difficult and no amount of flexibility has made it easier. I lift up my dress and sit in my knees before bending over and giving myself a good stretch. Once I'm on my knees comfortably, I feel the bed sink behind me. "You ready baby?" He says grinning as he pulls my night gown over my head. I remove the rest of the way tossing it across the room. He teases me allowing his erection to slide through the wetness of my folds. He spends a few moments teasing my clit before poking around my entrance.

"Yes." I moan softly. He enters me slowly and chills go up my spine. He holds my waist and takes slow deep strokes, kissing up my spine. Once I'm adjusted, I sit up, encouraging him to sit back. I lean back with my head on his shoulder as he massages my breasts. We grind together sensually, moaning and holding each other. I thank God for strong knees. "I have an idea. Lay down for me, baby." He lays down without hesitation. I get up slowly, turning around to face him before sitting and allowing him to reach new depths. I grind my hips slowly, being sure he remains deep inside me. Moans flow freely from our mouths. His rough hands hold my waist tight as I begin to bounce. He licks his lips and moans, his mouth falling open from all the pleasure. "You like that baby?"

"You know I like that. Give it to me, mama. " He thrusts into me violently. I didn't realize how badly I missed the aggression of the sex we used to have.

"Oh god. Take it baby! It's yours!" I scream.

"Mmhm. You like the way I make you feel?" I hear his words bud I don't respond. The ecstasy I'm feeling leaves me unable to speak. I nod my head moaning, gripping my thighs. "Use your words baby."

"Yes! Fuck yes! Shit I'm gonna-"

"What's my name baby? He growls like a wild animal  

My moans become louder. The knot in my stomach is growing and it isn't just the twins. "Prince", I scream as the earth moves beneath me. My legs begin to shake as my climax peaks. Prince climaxes before sitting up to help me. He steadies me as I climb off his lap and pulls me into a deep, passionate kiss. Exhausted, we lay there cuddling the rest of the night just to fall asleep in each other's arms.

Mayte's POV

As I pace through my shitty apartment. I think about how I'm going to get rid of Genevieve. She's ruining everything. I look around and see my life falling apart. My relationships, my career it's all going to shit because of her. I can worry about Prince after that bitch is out of my hair. I sit for a moment and take my time to think this through. "There's not much I can do right now, but if I wait just a little bit, I can hit them where it hurts." I smirk as an idea forms in my head. I decide to call Jerome and chat him up for a little while. "Hey, Daddy."

"Hey, baby girl.", he says seductively into the phone.

"I have some bad news. Morris knows about us now..."

"That's okay. Now it can be just you and me. Why don't you come stay with me tonight, then Daddy will take you shopping in the morning?"

A smile forms on my lips. "Baby will you do me a favor? Can you keep tabs on Genevieve for me? I mean I know Prince is my ex and all but I still want to know about all the exciting baby news."

"Of course. I got you baby. I'll come get you in about fifteen minutes."

"Okay, daddy.", I give him my new address and he eventually comes and picks me up. This isn't the life that imagined for myself but it's east. You pick a man or two, you give them sex and some time out of your day and they give you everything you need. Including information about little sluts who ruin lives. I think over my plan while in the car. It needs to be perfect if I'm going to pull it off. For once, things might just work out in my favor.

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