Here Goes Nothing

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Genevieve's POV

We climb in the limo and begin the short excursion back to Paisley. I smile thinking about the evening we've just had. I look over at Prince as he makes a phone call. He holds up a delicate finger telling me to hold on; I look out the window to focus on something else and give him some privacy. He hangs up the phone and begins speaking in a low, sultry voice, "Come here, beautiful." I slide over to him and he pulls me into his lap. His lips dance across my bare skin. His hands begin to roam my body. "How does that feel?" My body tenses as those words ring through my ears. My feelings of lust and pleasure quickly become feelings of fear and anxiety as Jerome's image runs through my mind..

"Wait. Wait. Baby, stop. Please." I say moving away from him.

"What's wrong, Genevieve?" I hate when he says my full name.

I sigh and look down at the floor of the limo. "W-while... I was at Jerome's he... um... he made me... umm.." The words got stuck in my throat. I began to choke and tear up. He quickly rushed to my side holding me close.

"Hey, now. Take your time."

"H-h-he.. had sex with me... I...had sex with him...He used the kids as blackmail... He said he would sell them... I did it for the kids. I couldn't stand the thought of them being sold. I-I'm s-"

"Don't you dare apologize, Genevieve. You guys didn't have sex. He raped you. He made you think you had to do it. It wasn't consensual. Oh Lord. He has you brainwashed. Is-is this why you've been so jumpy lately? This is why you don't sleep and why you shiver when I touch you and why you sit with kids all the time. Isn't it?" I look him in the eyes and nod. He holds me close as I begin to sob, letting out months worth of tears. "The worst of it is over Genevieve. Jerome is gone and won't be back for a long time."

"I wish that was the end.."

"What do you mean?"

"The last.. th-the last... time... he... he didn't use protection." His eyes become wide, but I don't know what that means.

"Are you pregnant?"

"I don't know..."

"Have you had any symptoms?"


He takes a deep sigh. "We can go to your doctor in the morning."

"I don't want to wait. She said if I need her just call. I'll call her now." I pick up the phone a quickly dial hear number. Once I'm given the okay, we head home. We hurry inside, changing our clothes. I glance over at the cribs and they're empty. "Prince! Where are the kids?!"

"Don't worry baby. I had Ronnie take them to my Mother's house." Phew that was close. Once in more comfortable ensembles we make the drive to her office.

"Hello Genevieve, Prince," Dr. Johnson says as we walk in. "What can I do for you tonight?"

"There's a possibility I could be pregnant with the child of the man who took me from my home." I see her face change as she realized how serious it is. I change into the robe and sit on the bench while Prince takes a seat beside me in a chair.

"How long has it been?" She says washing her hands and turning around.

"A month."

"Hmm. Okay. That's not long enough for me to give you an ultrasound. Would you be okay taking a pregnancy test?"

"You're the doctor. If that's what you recommend I'm open." She turns around grabbing one of those stupid plastic cups. I take it from her and walk to the bathroom. I pee in the cup and hold it at arms length as I walk back to the room. She takes it from me and sends it to the lab.

"I'll call you tomorrow evening with the results." Prince and I thank her and go back home.

The house is empty. He told everyone to go home, he wanted some time for us to just relax and be alone. We lied down and spent the rest of the night just holding each other. Too anxious to get some sleep we just waited. By the time we fell asleep it was ten o'clock in the morning. I didn't realize I was asleep until the phone rang. First ring. Our eyes shot open and immediately looked at the clock. It's seven o'clock.

"Do you want me to answer?" I nodded slowly and watched him reach for the phone. "Hello," he answered, "This is he." I was too close I could still hear my doctor. I got up from the bed and paced around the room. Whatever happens, happens. "Thank you Dr. Johnson. I'll let her know." With that he hung up the phone. He stood in front of me and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Am I..?"

"No." I sigh happily and he pulls me close. Muttering praises to the lord in the heavens we begin to rejoice. "I love you, Genevieve."

"I love you too, Prince."

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