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Genevieve's POV

" Ma'am it's a boy." Prince looks down at me and smiles. The nurse returns a few minutes later, holding a baby whose complexion resembles the darkest of chocolate.

"This isn't my son is it?"I begin to stutter. How can I tell him? How do I tell him? "I thought you were better than her! I thought you were different! I guess I was damn wrong." He turns around and fades away.

"Prince... No... Don't leave. No! Come back!" I open my eyes and see Prince laying in bed next to me, shaking me awake.

"Genny? Genny, wake up." I look around then look into his worry filled eyes. "Baby are you okay? You were screaming."

"Yea... I'm fine. Just a bad dream. Let's go back to sleep." I curl up close to him and he wraps his arm around me. The memories of Jerome pulling me close after a long night make me jump a little at his touch. He gives me a confused look and I giggle nervously. "I just got a chill." He pulls the covers over us and pulls me close. Flashbacks to being in that room fill my head as I try to sleep. It's been a month since I'v been home, but the vivid images from being locked up won't go away. I notice Prince drifting off, so I slide out of bed and over to the children. Prince renovated the house and had the wall, between our room and the nursery, torn down. As I look down at my children sleeping peacefully I smile. "Rest my angels. Get enough sleep for mommy too." I have a seat in the rocking chair and close my eyes in an attempt to get some sleep.

Prince's POV

I wake up and realize Genny isn't in bed. I look around frantically and see a note on the nightstand.

"Don't worry baby. I'm downstairs with the kids. Hurry down, your breakfast is getting cold."

I smile and walk downstairs and straight to the dining room. Genny sat at the table strumming her guitar with the babies in their little chairs bouncing to the music. As I walk in their attention turns to me.

"Aw, are you guys enjoying Mommy's song?"

"Seems your presence is sweeter than any melody I could play." I smile softly. "They missed you. We all missed you." She says, her voice gradually growing quieter.

"Well you're home now and we don't have anywhere to be."

"What about work?"

"We finished the movie while you were....gone."

"Oh okay. Well that's good."

We sit and discuss plans for the week. Well we try to at least. Genny keeps zoning out.

Genevieve's POV

How am I going to tell him? What will he say? What if he leaves me? What if-

"Genny? Genny what do you say?"

I shake myself out of my thoughts and blink.

"Say about what?"

"Taking the kids to the Zoo sometime soon."

"Oh sure. That would be great. I was hoping we could use today to just relax. Spend some time as a family you know? The twins need to get reacquainted with their father and I want to spend some quality time with my husband."

The Labors of Love (Completed but Under Construction)Where stories live. Discover now