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Genevieve's POV

"You've always been so kind to me."

"I didn't want you to think I was interested. All the other guys wanted your draws. I wanted to get to know you first." I sit there in shock. I never would've categorized him as the type to do something like this. "Genevieve, I know what I did is wrong but, I know you've been unhappy. I know I'm not your husband but, I can love you as if I was." He removes my hand cuffs and rubs my wrists. I back away from him curling up at the top of the bed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He crawls up to me and kisses me softly. I refuse to respond, until I think of my children. I don't want him to get rid of my babies. I go for broke and kiss him back. His hands run up and down my exposed skin. "Come on baby don't be shy." He says against my lips. I wrap my hands around his neck and I slowly feel him unhook my bra. "No.. No don't... Please..." I try to push him away but I can't. "Don't be like that Genevieve. Think of Elijah and Lyra. " I stop resisting and let my hands rest on the bed. His wet lips trail down my neck and chest. I close my eyes not liking the feeling of another man. He keeps going. He removes the lacy underwear from my body and caresses my mocha skin. He takes off the rest of his clothes and hovers over me. I can't help but shiver as he sends more wet kisses down my neck and spreads my legs. I close my eyes tight and it begins. My body completely shuts down. The only thing I can think about is how I'm betraying my husband. He asks me how it feels and I tell him it feels good but, I just want my husband. I humor him by throwing in a fake moan here and there. He releases himself all over my stomach then lays down beside me. Once he's fallen asleep I begin to roam the house freely. I come across a large bathroom and decide to take a shower. I clean my stomach first and work my way from there. Shoulders. Back. Legs. Arms. I just scrub and scrub and scrub. No matter how hard I scrub I still feel filthy. It's not until I took a step back that I realized I was crying. I sank to the floor and wept into my hands. I betrayed my marriage. I betrayed my husband. I waited until I got married. Prince was my first. I've only ever slept with him until now. I turn off the water and grab a towel. After drying off, I put on a robe I found and look around the house. Every window is barred and every door is guarded. I walk up to the door and ask the guard to escort me back to the first place I was. He covers my eyes and leads me back. Once he leaves I look in every room down there. A nursery, a bedroom, a bathroom and a bunch of wide open space. Too hurt to do anything I decide to curl up and go to sleep.

Prince's POV

It's been three weeks without her and my world is falling apart. I've forgotten what it was like to be without her. Everyone is out there trying to find her. My agent told me to just stay home for a while, something about me stressing myself out. As I lay in bed, praying for the safety of my family, the phone rings.

"Hey cuzzin'."

"Hey Morris. What's goin' on?"

"Nothing, man. Look, Jerome is having a party. I thought you could use some time out the house, ya know?"

"I appreciate it, man. I just don't know if I feel up to it. Besides who throws a party in February in Minnesota?"

"Only Jerome. You don't have a choice, understand? This party might be the little boost you need to get on your feet. See ya at Jerome's in an hour." With that he hung up.

I sigh and roll out of bed. I take a shower and try to wash my sorrows away. I miss her. I miss our kids. Their two months old now. I bet they're growing up so fast. Maybe Morris was right. I've spent three weeks thinking about them. One night can't hurt. I step out of the shower and get ready. I straighten my hair, brush my teeth, get dressed and all that. I sit in front of my vanity and begin applying my makeup. I haven't done this in so long. Genny usually does it for me. I take my time and keep going. Once I've completed my look, I stand in front of my mirror and smile. "She'd be proud of me." I go outside and hop in my car. As I grab the wheel, I look at my hand and twist my wedding ring. "I'll find you baby. I'm not giving up. God is on our side." I kiss the ring and make my way to Jerome's.

Genevieve's POV

These past three weeks have been nothing but, sex, sleep, playing guitar and taking care of my kids and him. I feel myself growing weak everyday.

"Hello, Beautiful." I look up from Eli and wave. He glares at me. "Still not talking?" I nod my head and keep playing with my son. I stopped talking a week ago at least to him. All my energy goes to my kids. They don't deserve to suffer just because I'm miserable. Lyra squirms in her crib and begins to cry. Holding Elijah, I walk over and pick her up. She grabs her brother's hand and they both start to smile.

"Say, how would you like to see your new room?" I nod and follow him up a couple flights of stairs. We stop at a bedroom with two cribs, a rocking chair, and a bed. I put the twins in one crib since they want to play. He grabs my arm and leads me to the room next door. A room I've become all too familiar with. He closes the door and walks up to me slowly. "It's so sad this is the only place I hear you speak." He touches my face and I turn my head. I can't do this anymore. I feel a sting on my left cheek and cry as my body hits the ground. Not again.

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