Party's Over

667 42 10

Genevieve's POV

"Look what you made me do!" He helps me up and dries my tears. "You've just been so defiant. You won't talk. You won't sing. You don't do shit but take care of those kids." He pauses and a grin appears on his face. "Maybe if you have one of mine, you're attitude will change." My eyes widen and I tremble with fear.

"No.." I whisper. He begins ripping my clothes off. He pushes me on the bed and removes all of his clothes, smiling maliciously. "Please don't do this! Not again!"

"You leave me no choice! You've been ungrateful since you got here." Smack. "All I ever tried to do was make a home for you here, but that wasn't enough for you was it?" Smack. "I take care of you. I make love to you every night. I help you take care of those loud, ass, babies." Smack. "You just don't see how good you have it here. You'll see soon." My eyes shut and everything becomes blurry.

Prince's POV

I walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. Morris comes to the door and welcomes me.

"Good to see ya." He says putting his hand out.

"Good to be here." I reply shaking his hand. We walk in and the party is jumpin'. People are drinking, dancing and carrying on. I look around and it's a lot of familiar faces. All of the Revolution are here, The New Power Generation, The Time, hell even the casts and crews of Purple Rain and Graffiti Bridge are here. I grab myself a drink and have a seat on the couch. I take a sip and wince at the strength of the alcohol. Jerome emerges from upstairs and makes his way around.

"Hey, cuzzin."

I give him a small smile. "Hey Jerome."

"How you holdin' up?"

"Eh, it's hard. I miss her man, but God has a plan."

"He sure does." He gives me a smile, but I'm unsure of how I feel about it. After patting my back he excused himself and goes back to entertaining his guests.

"Hey, Skipper."

I turn around and see my old friend Bobby Z. "Hey Bobby. Long time no see."

"Yea, I've been taking time off. I wanted to spend time with mom."

"How is she?"

"She's doing good. She misses you. She said ever since Purple Rain you don't come to Minneapolis. She said if you don't come by on her birthday she's mailing you an ass whooping." We both laugh.

"Tell her I'll be there for breakfast."

"Okay. I will. So how's everything going? Any leads on finding Genevieve and the twins." I sigh and start sipping on another drink.

"No nothing yet. I just hope she isn't upset with me."

"Why would she be?"

"I told her I'd protect her and our kids. I couldn't even do that. She wouldn't have been abducted if I would've just gotten up."

"Prince, man. Look, we all know you've done everything in your power to take care of her and your family. Genevieve is a great woman. You got yourself a strong, smart, sister. She's not gonna be mad because she knows everything you're doing to help her right now. Hell she's so sweet, when you find her the first thing she'll says is "Are you okay?" It'll be alright man. You guys are troopers. "

"Thanks Bobby. I really needed that."

"Anytime brother."

The party goes on for hours and hours. The music wasn't funky enough for my taste, so I spent my time talking with everyone. People slowly started leaving around two in the morning. I decided once almost everyone was gone I'd head out. His stupid driveway is always so crowded after these parties. I turn and see Jerome and Morris talking.

"Yo, Jerome. Where's the bathroom?"

"Down the right hallway. Take a left. Last door on the right."

I follow his instructions and open the door. Wendy and Lisa seem to be having a "intimate conversation" in there so I slowly close the door and walk away quickly.

"Now I know there's a restroom upstairs. I just gotta remember which door it is." I head upstairs and look around. I walk a little ways down the hall and stop "Eenie. Meenie. Minie. You." I open the door I'm pointing to and see two cribs, a rocking chair, and a bed. I walk further into the room and see Lyra and Elijah laying in the same crib.

"What the- Jerome did this? Wait if you're here... where's your mother..?"

I run out of the room and start knocking on doors. I go down one side of the hallway and make my way back.

Genevieve's POV

I wake up to the sound of knocking on the door. Doesn't he have a key?

"Genny? Are you in there?" Someone whispers from outside. Wait. Did they say Genny? Only one person calls me Genny.

"Prince is that you?" I call out.

"Genny, baby, it's so good to hear your voice again. I'll get y- Shit he's coming, I'll be back I promise."

Jerome comes and opens the door. "Hey baby girl. Ready for another try?" Prince sneaks in behind Jerome and smashes the rocking chair over his head. Jerome falls to the ground, unconscious. Prince runs up to me and gives me a hug. In a hurry he tries to pull me out of bed.

"Baby I can't move my legs."

"I'll carry you."

"What about the twins? We can't just leave them."

"Ronnie is getting them now." Prince scoops me up and carries me out of the room then hands me to Paolo. I watch him as he take Jerome's keys and locks him in the room. "Let's go."
We rush out of the house and into a black SUV.

"My knight in shining armor." Prince smiles and looks down at my face, but his smile quickly fades away. "What is it?"

"Your face... its bruised. Did he hit you?" I nod and look out the window. He tears up and pulls me close. "I'm sorry I failed you. I should've checked on the twins. I was just so tired...I-"

"Prince. You didn't fail me. I'm not upset in any way. All that matters to me is that we heal as a family. We will get through this. Together." I kiss him softly and we both cry into the kiss. We lay in the back seat holding each other close. Finding safety in each other's arms.

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