Game Plan

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Unknown POV

"My wife, my other half, my soul mate.", I say mockingly, "How pathetic?" I've watched this dumb interview over and over and I still don't get it. He leaves me, just to be with..with that. What does she have that I don't have? I'm a better dancer, a better wife, a better...everything! Now that little hussie is going to have his baby. If anyone should be that child's mother it should be me! Not that dark skinned, talentless, fat, ugly, bitch! I'm going to get him back, if it kills her! I look to my night stand, grab my phone, and dial a number I know all too well.

"Hello?", the voice said.

"Ronnie, it's me."

"Mayte. Why're you calling me?"

"You owe me Ronnie and you know it. Unless you want your boss to know about your little "gatherings" at Paisley, I suggest you tell me everything you know."

Ronnie sighs and gives in. "They've hired a live in maid and a midwife. The boss has been a little on edge lately, but that's all I know. Honest."

"I'm coming tonight. Tell anyone whats going on and you're out of a job, understand?"

"Yes, Mayte.", he says in defeat.

"Good. So obedient, I knew there was a reason you were my favorite guard. Keep me updated." I hang up the phone , prepare a few things and then quickly head to my car. I chuckle to myself and drive to the place I used to call home. The home that Prince and I shared. I pull up to the gates and see Ronnie. We exchange looks and he opens the gate then hands me his house key. I pull through slowly with my lights off, trying not to alert anyone. I park out of sight and go up to the door, unlocking it. I walk inside and look around. Everything is as it was before. "Mama's home.", I whisper inaudibly. I walk around quietly, heading upstairs. Once I find the rooms I'm looking for I slip an envelope under each door. I'm halfway to the door when I hear someone coming down the steps. I hide behind the couch and peek out. I would recognize that body anywhere.

"Awww baby, having a restless night.", I say standing up. Prince wipes his eyes and looks at me squinting. "Don't tell me you've forgotten about me already." I walk closer to him and smirk.

Prince's POV

I look at her in disbelief. "Mayte? What the hell are you doing here? How'd you even get in here?"

"I came here to see you, honey. I wanted to congratulate you.", she says moving closer, " you've finally gotten what you wanted, but do you really want it with that thing?"

"Not this again. She's not a thing! She's my wife and of course I do. I love her."I say confidently.

"She's not all that. She can't do the things I do. She can't make you feel the way I make you feel.", she smirks and runs her hands down my chest.

I jerk away from her and start walking away. " I know. Genevieve doesn't lie and cheat. She doesn't break my heart either.", I say angrily bawling my fists.

"Prince... Baby, all I did was give you what you wanted." Her voice becomes softer. "You wanted a baby so I tried my best to give you one."

"I didn't just want a baby. I wanted a family. I wanted to settle down, have a family of my own, be a family man." I shed a single tear then quickly wipe it away, feeling my anger return. "If you were really trying to give me what I wanted you wouldn't have slept with him, you wouldn't have let him get you pregnant, you wouldn't have lied and said the baby was mine just because you were careless. You should've been patient, we would've gotten there eventually. We could've adopted!", I chuckle lightly," You always were very eager. I have everything I want now, a loving wife and a baby on the way. I suggest you figure out what you want and never come back to Paisley Park because you won't find it here." I walk to the door and open it for her.

She looks me in my eyes, "Prince I-"

"Go, Mayte." With that she left and I closed the door. I decide to just head back upstairs. I get back in bed with Genny and rub her stomach. "You are everything I need. I love you, Genevieve Elise Anne Nelson."

"I love you too, Prince Rogers Nelson.", she says back softly. I hold her close and kiss her shoulder, then drift off to sleep.

Mayte's POV

I leave the house peacefully, but this isn't over. Never has been, never will be. I get back in my car and leave. Looking in my rear view mirror as I drive off I smirk. "Sleep well next to my man tonight because you're about to start living a nightmare."

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