Day and Night

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Genevieve's POV

I walk over to the picnic area carrying my baby boy. Prince looks at me shaking his head. "What?"

"How tall are your heels?", he asks with a grin.

I look down at my feet and smile back. "Seven and a half inches. What's it to you?"

"You're already taller than me Genny. There's no point in showing off."

I can't help but laugh as I take a seat on the blanket. "I'm only an inch taller without the shoes."

"My point still stands." I roll my eyes and start pulling food out of the basket. "Let's eat."

We sit in the glorious sunlight, eating, talking, and playing with LiLy. The twins start getting fussy and I decide it's time to feed them too. I pull out a blanket and lay it on my chest. I unhook the strap of my dress and hold Elijah under the blanket. Once he latches on, I look up and hold my arm out. "Baby, give me Lyra."

"Why?", Prince asks looking up from her.

"Because it's time for her to eat."

"You can do that?" I giggle and nod. He hands her over and I repeat the process with her. I sit there holding them under the blanket; all he can do is stare.

"So what're you thinking about for dinner tonight?"

"Wouldn't you like to know? I told you it's a nice restaurant. That's all the information you get." I roll my eyes at him and look down at the blanket. I slowly sit them in my lap and readjust the top of my dress. Prince looks over and opens his mouth to speak.

"What is it baby?"

"Can I burp one of the twins?"

"Of course. Pick a twin. Grab a blanket and go to work." He picks up our baby girl and begins burping her while I do the same to our baby boy. Once they've been burped, we pack up the picnic and head back inside. "Okay it's like three o'clock."

"Be ready by eight.", he says smiling. I stretch and yawn as I walk upstairs.

"It's nap time." Just then Lanai and Yolanda walk past.

"Want us to put the twins down for a nap ma'am?"

"Yolanda you don't need to be so formal. We're family, but to answer your question no. Prince and I will handle it." He looks at me overjoyed. I grab the twins from him and bring them upstairs.

Heading into the nursery section of the room, we pull the rocking chairs close together. I hand Elijah to his father and we begin rocking the babies to sleep.

"Let's sing to them Genny.", he asks smiling wide

"Okay, pick a song. I'll harmonize." He sits there and contemplates what song he wants to sing. "It better be appropriate too." He gives me his infamous side eye and takes a breath before singing Purple Rain. The words and melody are the same but it sounds so different. His voice soft and velvety, dressed in love as he lulls our kids to sleep. I come in during the chorus, harmonizing. Our voices melt together creating one sound, one voice, one message. Soon enough the twins are asleep in our arms. We place them in their cribs and tell them good night. Changing out of our day clothes and into white pajamas, we prepare for a nap.

"I love the way you sing," Prince says as we pull back the covers and lay down, "Your voice is just amazing."

"I learned from you. You really have taught me a lot."

"When do you want to start working on your album again?"

"I want to wait until the children are older. Music is forever, but their youth won't last that long." With that I nestle into him and we drift off to sleep.

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