Quiet On Set | Part 1

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Genevieve's POV

"Are you excited?", Prince says holding my hand. I smile and nod in response. He's taking me to the set of Graffiti Bridge. Apparently the choreographer got injured and they needed some help.

He looks at me and smiles, but I know it's fake. "You don't have to fake a smile. I know you don't want me working like this."

He sighs realizing he's trapped, " I just don't want you to overwork yourself." I assure him I'll be okay and won't be doing a lot of dancing. They only want me to tweak the dance. Change the formations. Add to the choreography. Clean up the dance.

"It's only for a little while. It'll be like old times." We both laugh looking back at when we worked on Purple Rain.

"I guess you're right.", he shrugs, a small smile still on his face. Something else is bothering him. He's holding back. We pull up and I realize we are at First Avenue. We step out of the limo and walk in hand in hand. I immediately spot Morris Day. His bright yellow suit was blinding in the dim lights of the club. He smirks at me and I feel Prince's grip tighten. The director notices me and calls everyone over.

"Okay everyone. To all my dancers this is Genevieve, our new choreographer. Treat her as you would Tyson. " They look over at me and nod. Prince smiles still holding my hand. The director turns to us and begins talking. "Prince if you could go ahead and get ready for this scene and Genevieve you can get started with the dancers." Prince gives me a quick kiss and jogs to his dressing room. I walk over to the dancers and go into work mode.

"Okay everyone. I just want you all to know I'm not making drastic changes. I'll probably add little things here and there but nothing serious out of respect for Tyson. I'll give everyone a couple minutes to warm up and then I want you guys to show me the routine for the scene coming up. " I watch as everyone stretches. Crew members bring out a chair and some grapes for me. I smile and take a seat as they show me the number. Once they've finished they stand completely still and wait for me to speak. "You guys don't need to be so stiff. Relax for a little." In that moment it seemed as though everyone in the room took a deep breath. "Okay so here are my critiques. You are all doing the steps correctly but it's missing something. You're all too.....serious. I know the dance is fast and the movements are sharp but you still need to enjoy it. Dance is about passion and expression. One more time. Less serious. More passion, less focus." They begin again and Morris walks up behind me.

"Hey. The name's Morris but you already knew that didn't you. I just wanted to know why a sweet thing like you settled down so quickly." Is this raggedy mother fucker hitting on a pregnant, married woman? Morris steps closer and whispers in my ear. "You are to young and sexy to be somebody's mama, but I'm not too old to be your daddy." He backs away and starts cackling and smirking cockily while his boys hype him up.  I just kinda give him the side eye and turn my attention back to the dancers.

"That was great guys. Do it a couple more times and then we'll work on formations when they call us over." I sit eating my grapes and helping the dancers. I eventually get up and do some slight demonstrations, under Prince's careful observation of course. Eventually they call everyone to set and the dancers get in their places. Prince walks out looking sexy as all hell. I giggle a little at the heart in his chest hair and continue to watch the scene play out. As I focus my attention on the dancers I realize the formations are all off. It's not my job to speak up so I just sit there hoping someone else calls cut. The scene is almost over and finally I hear the magic word.

Cut!" Everyone turns and looks at the director.

"The dancers are crowding themselves and blocking each other. Everything looks cluttered. Genevieve! Fix this mess!"

I smile and go to work. I quickly place the dancers in a well spaced out formation and look at them. "Let's see how this works. 5,6,7,8!" The dancers make one move and immediately tell them to stop. "I'm changing that step. Instead of a pump turn, do a chainé in place and then a pirouette. Try again."

Prince's POV

I watch as Genny instructs the dancers. It brings me joy to see her back at her trade.

"Mm. I like a woman who can take charge. Don't you Jerome?" Ugh. Morris is just trying to get in my head but he won't. Not this time. He ruined my life once but never again.
"Just look at her cuhhin'. She could be my private dancer any day."

"That's enough Morris. Stop talking about my wife." All he does is laugh his hideous laugh and look me in my eyes.

"Your wife? That's funny man. Last girl you called your wife came running to me." I ball my fist in anger thinking about the past. I guess he sees my change in demeanor because the next thing he says is, " What's wrong? Are you afraid these babies are mine too?"  I lunge forward and feel my fist forcefully land on his cheek. After that I black out...

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