So Close, Yet So Far

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Genevieve's POV

"Aaahhhhh!", I scream, sitting up in pain.

"What is it?! What's wrong?", Prince asks tiredly from his side of the bed.

"They keep kickin' and flippin' and movin' and it hurts like all hell. I just want to sleep. "

"You haven't slept?"

"Not much. I fell asleep four hours ago and woke up two hours ago."

"Awww my poor Baby Dove. Want me to fix it?"

"Ye-" I'm forced to simply nod my head and wince as the babies continue to kick. Prince smiles and rubs my stomach soothingly.

"Come on now my beautiful ones. You're making mommy very tired and causing her a lot of pain. When she sleeps, you both should sleep too. Just relax. Shhhhh. Go to sleep. We know you're excited to meet us and come see the big beautiful world we've made for you, trust me we're excited too, but until then we need you to focus on growing. Not hurting mommy. Can you do that for me?"

He places two kisses on my stomach then lays so that he is eye level with me. Pulling me close to him, we begin to cuddle.

"Now it's your turn. Go back to sleep Genny. ", he whispers softly in my ear with a raspy, deep voice. He ain't gotta tell me twice. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. Sweet nothings from his mouth being the last things I hear.

Prince's POV

After lulling Genny to sleep I fell asleep. I woke up several hours later refreshed. I look to my right side and see Genny resting peacefully. I don't want to wake her up but I have to. I hold her close wrapping my arms around her and kiss her cheek.

"Wake up darling."

She arches her back slightly and let's out a yawn.

"Good Morning my king.", she says turning over to face me.

"Careful", I pull her close so she doesn't fall, "Now how is my queen this morning?"

"Ready to face the world."

I smile at her optimism and stand with her as we begin getting ready for the day. We shower (together of course) and then walk to our closets.

"What is it we have planned today, Dear?"

"Photoshoot with People Magazine and a tv interview with Arsenio later on tonight.", I respond looking through my closet and various suits.

"I hate photoshoots they take forever!", she exclaims.

"I know but everyone wants to see you. You haven't been on the cover of a magazine since we told them you were pregnant." After staring into my closet I finally decide on a plain white shirt with black pants and a black blazer.

"Maybe I don't want them to see me."

I walk to over and find her sitting in a chair in her closet. I kneel so we are eye level and hold her chin while looking into her eyes. "You are a vision of beauty made in God's image. It is our job to show the world our God given gifts and talents. You've shown them your talent already. Now why wouldn't you want to show God's greatest gift to you?" She sighs.

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