What is it? | Part 1

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Prince's POV

I go upstairs to the room and see Genevieve in bed, resting peacefully. She told me to wake her up when it was time for her appointment but she looks so peaceful, so beautiful, I don't want to. After we toured for Purple Rain, she stopped straightening her hair except for special occasions but since she's been pregnant her afro is her favorite thing. She also stopped wearing makeup. She said all the makeup she was wearing was just too much to handle. Her skin glows a beautiful, rich brown, her eyes seem more vibrant, and in general, she radiates beauty.

I walk over to our bed and lay down beside her. I smile, wrapping my arms around her and rubbing her belly. Kissing her cheek softly, I begin to hum nothing in particular and she smiles.

"Wake up Mrs. Nelson. It's time for your appointment. "I say softly, kissing her neck between words.

She chuckles. "Who is my appointment with? The love doctor?"

"Maybe later, but right now you have to get ready. Come on, Genny babe."

I hear her sigh softly and she finally opens her eyes. I quickly get up and go to her side to help her up. It's getting harder for her to move due to the size of her baby bump. I didn't think they got this large until later in the pregnancy but, what do I know? I pull her up and lead her to the bathroom. I sit on the bed allowing her time to get ready. Growing bored, I wait for the quiet rhythm of the shower to stop and the sharp rush of the sink to start. Once that happens, I know that she's out of the shower and washing her face. Finally I hear my cue, and I saunter into the bathroom.

"Mind if I watch?"

She smiles and puts the toilet seat down, then she ushers me over to it.

"Please, take a seat and enjoy the show."

I sit and watch as she washes her face and brushes her teeth. She makes a lot of funny faces. We laugh here and there, and chat as she gets ready. She's starts doing her hair, picking it out, shaping it with her hands. Once she's happy with it, she turns and leaves the bathroom. She throws on a bright yellow, one shoulder sundress and starts looking in her closet for the matching shoes.

"You know I love you in yellow.", I smile, walking into her closet so I can help her look.

"Oh please. You love me in everything." She smiles looking down at the dress, smoothing down the fabric. "Ooh! Husband, those shoes there!" She says excitedly, pointing to yellow flats. I grab them and lead her over to a chair. She sits down and I put them on for her.

"How do they feel? I know you're ankles have been swelling lately."

She wiggles her toes and presses the balls of her feet into the ground.

"They feel pretty good, but I miss my heels." She pouts a little and I smile.

"You'll be back in heels in a couple months. You'll be able to dance and everything once the baby is born, but for now we don't want you fallin' and breakin' nothin'." I carefully help her out of the chair and out of the house. We get in the backseat of the car and Ronnie drives to the doctors office.

Genevieve's POV

We arrive at my doctor's office right on time. Prince helps me out of the car and we go inside. My doctor usually isn't here on Saturdays but she was willing to make an exception given my situation. I knew being famous would have its perks but being in an empty doctors office might be my favorite. We sign in and have to sit in the waiting room, which is dumb, since we are the only people here. I'm really excited for this appointment. Prince usually doesn't come to my appointments since he's so busy, so I'm kinda nervous. I don't know how he'll take the news but, I hope everything will be okay.

A nurse comes out and leads us back to a little room. She asks me some simple questions, gives me a patient gown, then she leaves. Prince helps me out of my dress and into the gown. I sit back down and we chat for a bit until we hear a knock on the door.

"Good morning, Doctor Johnson." I say smiling.

"Good morning to you too, Genevieve. How are we doing today?"

"Amazing!" I tell the doctor, enthusiastically, and she chuckles.

"That's great. I see you brought your husband today."

"Yea, I just thought it was time he knew."

Prince looks at me confusedly. "Knew what?"

Doctor Johnson chuckles. "Hello, I'm Doctor Anita Johnson. I'm your wife's OB/GYN. Everything will become clear shortly."

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