Oh, Doctor!

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Genevieve's POV

I wake up feeling well rested. Sitting up and examining the room I see two bags on the table. I remember Prince saying something about food and a bag and a table. Look I'm not the most attentive when I'm exhausted okay? I walk over to the table and examine both bags. One has a sandwich, chips and some cookies while the other has a salad and half of a baguette. I take the salad and the cookies and start eating. I sit and eat happily. "God I love Caesar salads. Do you guys like Caesar salads?" I look down and rub my belly, smiling. "Yes you do. You guys are healthy babies. You'll grow up to be big and strong. I'll teach you both to dance and your father and I will teach you how to sing and how to play all the instruments you want. We can have family jam sessions and talent shows. Would you like that darlings?" The babies stir around in my stomach and it makes me giggle. "I'll take that as a yes. Do you want to hear some music angels? Here mommy will play a song for you." I pick up my guitar and start singing an acoustic version of Purple Rain. The babies move about a little in my tummy. Eventually the stirring stops but I decide to keep playing.

"I see you've been working on your craft, Terpsichore." (It pronounced Terp-sick-or)
I chuckle at the use of the name he gave me when I was a protégé. It's the name of the Greek muse of dance and chorus. He told me it was fitting since I came to him with a musical and dance background.

"I have and all for a good reason. I thought I should practice singing to them. They'll be my biggest fans someday." He smiles and caresses my cheek.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Already? How long was I asleep?"

"About six hours."

"Six hours?! How did I sleep for six hours?"

"Peacefully. Come on let's go home. I have a surprise for you." I smile and stand up carefully. We make the walk to our car and he drives us home. Once we get inside I get jittery.

"What's the surprise?"

"Patience my love. Close your eyes and walk with me." I close my eyes and he leads me up the stairs and down the hall. "Wait here." Somewhere not too far away I hear a door open and light switch get flicked on. Prince holds my hands and leads me through a door. "Open your eyes." I open my eyes and gasp.

"It's beautiful..." I look around the room in awe. The matching  rocking chairs, cribs, changing tables, toy bins, and closets were absolute breath taking. Every piece in the room was white with pink or blue accents. The wall was covered in pink and blue polka dots that opposed the color of the furniture on that side of the room. "Did you do this?", I say tears welling up in my eyes.

"I had a little help. Lanai and I planned it before she went on vacation" I turn around and hug him.

"Prince, I love it. It's so beautiful. I hope the twins love it too."

"They will. I just know it."

Suddenly a strange feeling wells up inside me. My first instinct is to find the nearest bathroom. I rush out of the room and into the room next door which just so happened to be our master bedroom. I move hurriedly past our bed and into our bathroom. Standing in front of the toilet, I get down on my knees and begin vomiting. After 5 minutes with my head in the toilet I take breath.

"Feeling any better?", Prince asks, rubbing my back and looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

"Yes... Nope.." I throw my head over the toilet as my stomach's contents continue to flow from my mouth. I lift my head just to shove it back in the toilet. What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I feel so sick?

"Should I call a doctor?"

"No baby I'll...", my sentence is cut short by yet another surge of regurgitation. "I'll be fine."

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