Spoke Too Soon

834 40 22

Genevieve's POV

All is right with the world. Prince and I are due back to work in a week and a half but I'm okay with that. I've lost all but, five pounds of my baby weight. Lanai and this new woman, Yolanda, will be coming in later this week for training to become our nannies. I smile to myself as I think of the weeks to come. I get my life back, I can get more sleep. My thoughts of sleep are interrupted when I hear crying over the baby monitor.

"Your turn." Prince says half asleep turning away from me.  I roll my eyes and get up. I open the door to the conjoined room and walk over to Elijah's crib. He seems to be alright. I kiss his chunky little cheeks and walk over to Lyra. I gaze down on her as she squirms in her bed. Shushing her softly, I pick her up and have a seat in the rocking chair.

"What's wrong with my Lyra? Huh? What's wrong with my Lyra Lisey (pronounced leasey)? You aren't wet so what's wrong? Are you hungry mama?" I unhook my bra and connect her to my breast and she begins to suck. "You were just hungry? Is that what it was buttercup? Yea, you just wanted some food." After she finishes eating, I burp her and lull her back to sleep. I kiss her cheeks softly and turn to leave when my eyes meet a mysterious figure. I remain quiet and calm in case they have a weapon. Before I can make a move they grab me, tie my arms behind my back, and tape my mouth shut. I watch as two henchmen grab my children and their belongings and walk away. Then the mysterious figure picks me up and carries me away. After being blindfolded I am placed in the back of a flatbed truck and driven far away from home.

Prince's POV

I wake up and look beside me. "Hmm. She's not here." Realizing she probably just fell asleep in the nursery again I slowly get up and walk toward the door. I peek inside and see nobody. Not Genny, not the twins. I begin running around the house in search of them. The kitchen. The living room. Any of the studios. No luck. Each room I check I'm greeted with nothing. I go outside and see all of my staff laid out across the lawn. I find Ronnie and nudge him. As if by instinct he tells me what he knows.

"Two trucks pulled in last night. They gassed us. They must have dragged us all out side."

"Did you see what they looked like?"

Ronnie shakes his head as he begins to stand up. "It was too dark."

"There's only one person who would do this... Ronnie find Paolo and meet me at the car."
I run to one of our black SUVs and hop in. Ronnie and Paolo join me and I begin to drive. As I zoom down the street and on the highway my blood begins to pump. "I can't believe it. I can't believe she did this. She's gone too damn far. She can mess with me and my career but when you mess with my family, that's where I draw the line." As we pull up to the apartment I put on sunglasses. We get out the car and walk through the building. We take the elevator to the top floor, turn right and knock on the first door.

"Hey baby. Here to finally admit you still love me?"

"Cut the crap Mayte. I know you have them." I fume. She's playing dumb.

"Have who?"

"Genevieve and the twins. I know you're jealous that she's my wife and that we have kids but did you really have to go and kidnap them?" Her face changes to a look of confusion.

"Prince... I don't have them." I look her in her eyes. She looks back me. She isn't lying. If she was she wouldn't have looked back. A strong feeling comes over me I walk backwards out of her door and into a wall. I sink down to floor.

"I can't believe it... I let her slip away... I didn't protect her. I didn't protect our kids. I... I..." Paolo sits beside me and begins trying to console me.

"She is not gone. She is somewhere out dere. We just need to find her. ", he says looking me in the eyes. "I'm worried about her too, sir. She was de first person to offer me a job when I moved to America. She holds a special place in my heart. I will help you find her and de twins if it kills me."

"Thank you Paolo."

"Do you know anyone who might have her? Anyone who would have a motive to take her?" Ronnie asks Mayte.

"No I don't. I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do let me know."

"We will. If you find out anything let us know."

"I will. I promise."

With that we leave her apartment. "Who else could it be..?" I ask myself as we drive back home.

Genevieve's POV

I wake up in a dark room. I sit up and look around. I seem to be in some type of basement. I look over and see two cribs. Standing up I walk over and hold my babies. After lulling them to sleep I begin to look around some more. I find windows and such but everything is locked and bolted shut. A man appears at the base of the steps leading upstairs.

"Hello beautiful. If you don't mind I'd like to skip the preliminaries and skip to the part where I make you mine."

"Who are you? Where am I? And why did you kidnap me and my children?"

"I'm the true man of your dreams doll face. Right now you are with me and well the whole kidnapping thing is a long story."

"Well since you're holding me captive, I'm pretty sure I have time."

"Your husband has had it too good for too long. He has the perfect career and a perfect family to go home to. It's my turn."He says standing behind me, slowly getting closer. He wraps his arms around my waist and begins to speak again. "I don't want to hurt you. I wish to make you a new life here, with me. I'll help you raise the children, I'll give you everything you need. All you have to do is stay and love me ."

This motherfucker is crazy. They expect me to develop Stockholm syndrome and love them despite taking me away from my husband. I know Prince has noticed me missing by now. So he must be looking for me. All I have to do is wait for him to get back.

"Before anything gets started, I have to lay down some rules. I'll come and get you at ten in the morning. During the day you and the twins will be allowed to roam the house freely. You will be allowed outside for one hour at a time at least three times a day. We will have a family dinner everyday at six. After dinner the twins will be given the nannies on staff and we will spend time together. After that you and the twins will be sent back here."

"What if I don't comply?"

"Let's just say I know millions of people who would pay good money for your children. So what do you say angel?"

My eyes widen and I feel panic erupting inside me. One misstep and what's left of my family is gone. I hang my head in defeat.

"Don't worry doll face. It won't. be a horrible existence." Two women come down the stairs. One of them is carrying a paper bag. They take their place behind the mystery man and bow their heads. "These are the nannies. They'll be taking the children now. There's some...things I'll need you to do." I sit in silence watching as these two strange women take my children upstairs. Tears fill my eyes and I promise I'll get them out of here, if it kills me. Even if it means I have to follow these damn rules my children deserve to be treated well. Looking up I see him holding the paper bag. He throws it at me forcefully. "Change."


"Bathrooms over there." He nods to left. I walk into the medium sized bathroom and close the door. Once it's been locked I pull the garments out of the bag. Removing my silk pajamas I put on the lacy bra, panties, garters, high socks and heels. "Hurry up." I open the door and walk back to him. He whistles and walks around me enjoying the view. "Ah. Much better." He blindfolds me and puts me in handcuffs then carries me upstairs. After I hear a door lock in the distance, my blindfold and handcuffs are removed. I look around and find myself in a bedroom. This is only for the sake of my children. Mystery man takes off his hoodie and I gasp.

"I can't believe it's you!"

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