Things R Looking Up

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Genevieve's POV

My midwife, Lanai, and I are outside doing yoga and tai chi. She says it's good for me to exercise everyday. It'll keep me in shape, help with delivery and keep my ankles from getting swollen. Which is important considering all the shoes I own.

"Inhale... and exhale", she says as we finish. Lanai helps me up and leads me over to a bench in the shade. "So, what're you thinking for the party?"

"Well...I want everyone in white with pink and blue accents. ", I say to start. Lanai is helping Prince and I plan a party to announce the sex of the baby. The appointment to find out is today. For the party, I'm gonna put a bunch of white balloons in a big box with a balloon that is either pink or blue. That balloon, based on its color, will tell us if it's a boy or girl. Ooh that reminds me. "I'll need a big box, blue, pink, and white balloons. Those same colors for everything else table clothes, plates. Umm...Prince said he wanted to barbecue. I don't know why since we will be wearing white, but you can talk to him about the food."

"Genny! Genny!" I look up and see my husband running full speed out of the house.

"Prince? Is everything okay?"

"I just had the greatest idea! I'm gonna make another movie. I already made all the phone calls. The script is being made as we speak!", he says excitedly, coming to a hard stop in front of me.

I chuckle, " That's great baby." I move a piece of his hair out of his face. His curls have been replaced with a dark semi-straightened mane. He always did have big hair. "Well, since you're here, take a seat and help us with the party before the appointment." He nods and sits down beside me, wrapping an arm around me. "I told her we want pink, blue, and white decorations...that we wanted a barbecue. Am I missing anything?"

"Did you tell her bout the box?", he says. I nod my head and squint. What the hell am I forgetting!

"Oh! I need small bags and a bunch of pink and blue buttons."

"Buttons?", they both ask.

"It's a party game. Everyone walks around with a bag of buttons. If they say "baby", anyone who notices gets to take one of there buttons. Person with the most buttons at the end wins." They nod and continue discussing the party. I look around at the house and see our maid walking around with his jacket and sunglasses on. I get up from my seat and start to head inside.

"Hey, Genny babe, where are you going?", Prince says looking up at me.

"I'm just gonna go inside and rest for little. I'll be fine. Come get me when it's time to leave. ", I say looking at him then back to the house. He gives me a faint smile, then kisses my belly. I walk inside and see him about to leave. "Marcus, where are you going?"

He turns around slowly and responds. "My wife got held up at work and needs me to pick up my son, Matt, from preschool." I smile remembering his family and let him go. Marcus goes out the door swiftly, putting his hands in his pockets, getting in his car and drives away. I shrug it off and head upstairs to lay down.

Mayte's POV

I received a long awaited call this evening. My plan is working just fine. There's no way my plan will fail. I head downstairs just as I hear a knock on the door. I swing it open and smile.

"Well, Hello. You must be Marcus. Please follow me." I close the door and lead him to a sitting room. I have a seat on a couch and instruct him to sit beside me.

"So why am I here?", he asks.

"So I hear you work at Paisley Park? Do they treat you well?"

He smiles and nods. " Mr. and Mrs. Nelson are wonderful employers but, you didn't answer my question."

I sneer at the thought of that man-stealing, tramp being given my title and  look him in the eyes.  "I'm not going to play silly games with you Marcus. I want answers. I'll match whatever they're paying you. All you have to do is keep me updated. I wanna know about the baby. I wanna know about their marriage. I wanna know where they're going and when. Understand?"

"Why, should I help you? What do you get out of this?"

"The ultimate prize.", I say smirking, " Are you in or not?" The hesitation in his demeanor is insettling but then he says the magic words.

"I'm in."

"Good. I'll be reaching out with more information soon." He nods and after a brief conversation I escort him out.

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