Count Down Begins Now

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Genevieve's POV

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Before me, I see my loving husband, sitting at the kitchen table. I look over his figure as he reads his script for the next few scenes of the movie. I smile, analyzing his position in the chair. He's really into the plot of this movie. I continue to stand in the doorway just studying him while he reads. He turns the pages of the script as though he's reading a precious novel. He sits up straight to adjust his white silk pajamas then returns to his hunched state and continues to read. It's not until my babies decide watching Daddy read isn't as fun as being fed that I finally move from my spot and he finally looks up.

"Oh. Morning, Baby Dove."

"Morning to you too, Purple Love. I see you're enjoying your script. You zoned out for quite a while." He blushes, feeling embarrassed that I caught him in a daze.

"You saw that huh?"

"Yup", I giggle as I look through the fridge and start making breakfast, " So tell me, love bug, what's on your agenda for today? Studio time? Shooting more of Graffiti Bridge?"


I stop in my tracks. He has so much on his plate. A movie, the soundtrack, his own album. How could he possibly have nothing planned. "Are you taking a day off?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes well multiple actually. I begged everyone for some time off. My label, the director. Everyone told me that since you'll go into labor any day now, I should spend my time with you. So they gave me a couple months off. Of course I'll still visit the home studio, but I won't be leaving the house much."

I smile wide and begin to tear up. I can't believe after all this time he's finally going to be free of the stress and pressures of work. He'll be with me every step of the way. I sniffle and grin, " Good cuz' if you missed the birth of our babies I'd be mad as hell." He chuckles in response and begins helping me make breakfast. "Hey babe have you heard from People Magazine?"

"Yes...", he says hesitantly.

"So, are the pictures ready? When can I see them?"

"Genny, do you trust me?" I look at him perplexed.

"What kind of Aladdin bullshit is this? Yea I trust you."

He sighs and looks me in the eyes.

Prince's POV

"I told them I wanted the magazine to be a surprise."

"You did what?!", she practically screams.

"Genny, calm down. You'll hurt the babies." I say hoping to calm her down.

"Prince Rogers Nelson, imma hurt you if you don't explain why the hell you green lit my pictures."

It didn't work. I become pale at the sound of my full name being said with such anger. I quickly try to fix the situation and calm her down. "Have a seat. I'll finish making breakfast and we can talk while we eat." She angrily dismisses herself from the stove and has a seat at the table. I quickly finish making the frittata and decide some tea would be helpful. I pull out her favorite tea set and prepare the tea. I walk to the table with the tea tray first, still shaken about how angry she is. I sit everything down and she prepares herself a cup of tea. I then walk over with our plates of food and her favorite hot sauce. I say a quick prayer and begin to eat. Looking up, I realize she hasn't touched her food and is staring at me. "Aren't...aren't you gonna eat?"

"Business before pleasure, dearest", she says. I look into her eyes trying to figure out her true emotions and regretted it immediately . God I just hope I can explain this good enough. As I look in her eyes, her medium brown irises grow dark and cold, like stone. "You better start explaining."

"They showed me the pictures last week while you were at your check up. They were completely untouched. Not a thing in them was edited. They were gorgeous. I told them which ones you would like and which ones you wouldn't. They told me the untouched versions were going to be used in the magazine and even let me see the set up. The final shots they chose blew my mind so much that I knew exactly when the right time would be to show you. I want to give you the first printed copy of the magazine as a gift. I know you'll love it. If you're still upset I'll call People and tell them you demand to see the pictures." She looks in my eyes and her dark, almost black irises, become that rich chocolate brown I know and love.

With a deep breath she closes her eyes, then looks back at me. "Okay, I forgive you. I trust your judgement. I will wait to see the pictures but do that again and you will be sorry."

"I already am, but I won't, I promise. Now will you please eat something?" She pours hot sauce on her plate and begins eating the frittata, dipping various pieces in hot sauce. I cringe at the sight and she begins to chuckle. "It's not my fault you can't handle the heat. Besides, I'm pregnant and craving. Which reminds me, I ordered a sheet cake yesterday."

"What the hell? Why?" I can't help but chuckle as I await her explanation.

"Because the Easter Bunny told me to. Cuz' I want cake! Why the fuck else would I have bought cake?"

We both begin to laugh hysterically. After we calm down I stand from my seat grabbing my plate. "Let's clean up and then go outside for a little while." She nods and follows my lead. After we've cleaned the kitchen, we walk arm in arm out the door. We begin taking a barefooted stroll around the property, walking through the lush green grass and just enjoying the chill in the air. It's late fall here in Chanhassen, Minnesota and I love it. Genny, being from Queens, New York, knows a thing or two about cold weather.

"God it feels great out here."


Genevieve's POV

I look out over the property and see a car at the gate.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Prince looks at me and shakes his head. We begin the trek in that direction. The car comes through the gates and drives up to the main house. Once we get there the door opens and a familiar figure steps out. "Mommy!" Tears form in my eyes as my mother comes into plain view.

"Hello Gen Gen. How are you?"

"I'm amazing mom especially now that you're here."

"Thank that husband of yours. I told him I wanted to be here for you and he flew me here in a private jet."

"You did this?" I ask overjoyed as I look at him through glassy, tear covered eyes.

"I knew you'd want her here for this and I knew she wanted to be here so I just did what was right."

"You picked a good man Genevieve. Prince, come here and give your second mom a hug!" He walks over to her and they squeeze each other tight. She walks inside with us and we all sit down with a nice warm beverage. We spend a couple hours talking and snacking and then she stands up. "Well baby girl, I have to go."

"Go? Go where?"

"I'm heading back to the hotel sweetness."

"Why aren't you staying here?" I shoot Prince a look because my mom isn't staying with us.

"Oh no, don't blame him. It's not his fault. Your house is just too big for me. You know I'm used to small New York apartments."

"Don't worry sweetie. Prince has all the hotel information if you want to talk to me."

"Okay mom." I stand up and hug my mother. She holds me close and kisses my forehead. After a long drawn out goodbye,  I wave to her from the steps as her car pulls away. I pull Prince into a tight embrace and seal it with a tender kiss. "Thank you." In one motion Prince dips me low and kisses me with hunger and passion.

"You're welcome."

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