Kick It Up A Knotch.

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Prince's POV

Genevieve and I have been very happy these past few weeks. We finally got all the things on set figured out so now she can stay at home and rest. I just wish that's what she did. She still comes to work with me. Something about "making sure things go smoothly." We walk to Studio Three and go straight to my dressing room. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She looks at the table and smiles. "Awww, they got me breakfast." I chuckle at her delight as she walks over to the table inspecting the omelette. She takes a bite a and nods, "This is amazing!"

"Thank Lanai. It's the breakfast she's been trying to get you to eat since we hired her.", I chuckle. She looks at the plate then back at me.

"Well excuse me if I don't really like eggs. Maybe I just don't like egg yolks." She looks down the omelette inquisitively. Then we both shrug as she eats her food. Once she's done she helps me get ready. Who needs a hair and makeup department? She knows exactly how I like it. I put on the costume for today's first scene and sit in a chair. She begins to straighten my hair. I never did like this part. I try to sit as still as possible but I start fidgeting every time she passed the large curling iron over my hair. "Sit still. I have one more to go."I take a deep breath and she curls a single piece of hair at the front of my head. She combs it out, getting rid of all the parts. Now she does my makeup. "I hate this part baby. You have amazing skin. You don't need all this stuff."

"I know baby, but they want everything to look perfect under all the lights." She looks at me irritated as she picks out various brushes and powders.

"They must not know what perfection is." She begrudgingly puts on all the stuff they asked for then smiles wide. This is her favorite part.

"You know the drill baby. Close 'em for me." I do as instructed and close my eyes. The smooth eyeliner pencil runs across my eyelid and I can't help but smile. She does one after the other. "Now let me see those gorgeous hazel eyes." I open my eyes and she makes the cutest face. "There they are. Now look up." I do so and she starts putting mascara on my lashes. This is the most awkward feeling in the world but I like what it does. She backs away as if looking at a finished masterpiece. "I liked you better before but you look great baby." I chuckle and stand up. She dusts off my costume and we begin to walk to the set. Once we arrive she takes a seat next to the director. Ever since that day she's kept us together. The director gives us a run down of the scene and we begin shooting.

"Listen, you gotta start making some money or I'm taking the club.", Morris says. Luckily our characters don't speak to each other. I give him a look and he walks away. We do more scenes and takes from different angles and the day goes on. I occasionally look over at Genny and she seems to be okay.

"Okay everybody that's lunch be back in an hour!"

I walk over to her and help her down from her chair. "Wanna grab something to eat?"

"Not really baby. I'm tired. The twins have been restless. They just won't sit still."

I crouch down so I'm eye level with her stomach. "Awe are my babies okay? It's getting cramped in there isn't it? Settle down for me little ones, your mother needs some rest." I kiss her belly twice then stand up. She smiles wide at me and holds my hand.

"Oh so you guys listen to that but when I ask y'all just ignore me?" I chuckle as we head back to the dressing room.

"What can I say? I have a way with words?"

"Whatever baby whisperer." Once she's comfortable on the couch I decide to go get something to eat. I head to a small cafe around the corner grabbing sandwiches, chips and little sweets. I know she said she isn't hungry but I want her to have something if she changes her mind. I pay and take the trip back to my dressing room. "Ahhhh!" Genevieve screams from down the hall. I drop the food and run to her as quick as I can.

"I'm here. What happened?"

"They're kicking! It hurt like hell!"

"Wait they're kicking?!", I ask elated. She nods and motions me over. I put my hands gentle on her stomach and feel tiny feet press against my hand. "Oh my god! This is amazing Genny! I can't believe it!" Tears form in my eyes as I come in contact with my babies. I look at Genny's face and she's crying too. "I love you Genevieve."

"I love you too." I hold her close and she screams again. After finding some false composure she turns to me, "Prince baby, if you could kindly tell the twins to stop playing footsie in my uterus, that would be great."

I smile and rub her belly softly. "Just relax my gifts from heaven. Everything will be alright." With that they stopped and Genny shook her head.

"I don't know how you do it, but thank you."

"Your welcome baby. I'll be right back okay?"

"Okay beloved."

I dash out of the room back to where I dropped my lunch "Hmm..." I look around and see that someone put the bag on the table. "There you are." I quickly check the bag and head back to the room. I set the bag on the table and walk over to Genny. I nudge her sleeping body softly and she looks up at me. "Sorry to wake you. I just want you to know that there is food in that bag for you if you get hungry."

"Okay thank you." She says barely awake. I kiss her cheek softly and have a seat on the other couch. I eat as quietly as I can and watch my beautiful wife drift off to sleep. Once my hour is up, I wrap her in a blanket she brought from the house and kiss her head.

Mayte's POV

"Oh hey babe. Before you go take this.", I say pulling out a brown bag, "I made a lunch for Genevieve. Pregnant women need to keep their strength up."

Jerome smiles and chuckles at my gesture. "Well isn't my baby girl thoughtful. I'll give it to her for you."

"Don't tell her it's from me please. I want it to be an anonymous gift."

"And humble." He grabs the bag, gives me a kiss and leaves.

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