Praying for Progress

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Genevieve's POV

I'm four and a half months pregnant now and things seem to be going fine. The baby is healthy and so am I. Well that's last time I checked at least. I have another appointment later this month. People are raving over the fact that I'm pregnant, especially since it's Prince's baby. I really wish they would stop talking about it. What happened with Mayte is the past. It breaks my heart to see him relive that pain.

Overall I think I've mastered this pregnancy thing. I wake up, I eat, I do some yoga, I rest. That's all I can do pretty much. It's not that I'm not able, Prince just won't let me do anything. He's been acting strange ever since I told him I was pregnant. Now that I'm showing, he's really acting different. He won't let me do anything for myself. He's constantly asking me if I need anything or if I'm feeling alright. Don't get me wrong it's great to know he cares about me but, he does everything around the house now. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, he won't even let me shower by myself. Every time I try to help he tells me to go rest. I feel useless! Doing all this is running him ragged. He's taking care of me and the house and he's still maintaining his career. This is getting out of control.


I open the door and head to the kitchen. I sit the bag down on the island then open the fridge.

"Where the hell were you?" Prince says angrily as he appears in the kitchen.

"I went to the grocery store.", I say matter of factly, pointing to the obvious grocery bag on the counter.

"Why? What could you have possible gone to get that we didn't already have?", he says waving his hands in the air.

"We ran out of eggs and I wanted an omelette. So I went to the store and got some." I pull the carton of eggs and sit them on the counter then go back to looking in the fridge for the rest of my ingredients.

"Why didn't you tell me? I've been worried about you. ", he says still angry but with a hint concern.

I close the refrigerator and walk towards him and look him in the eyes. "You had just fallen asleep when I woke up. You were up all night in the studio so I figured I'd let you rest. You've been doing so much around the house, baby. Your health is just as important as mine. I can handle little things around the house. If you don't want me cleaning and stuff, lets hire a maid. I.. I just can't let you suffer. I'm sorry I didn't tell you.  Next time I'll leave a note on the night stand. I promise, okay?", I say softly holding his face. He puts his hands over mine and looks into my eyes. He slowly puts my hands on his shoulders and pulls me into a passionate kiss. He holds my sides and pulls me as close as he can. I join my hands behind his neck and kiss him back.

"Genny baby, I just don't know what I'd do if something happened to you or the baby. I can't... I can't go through that again." He says pulling away slowly, putting his forehead on mine.

"I know my love. I know. Just trust me. We can hire some help for around the house, I'll get a midwife, and you can go back to working on music. How does that sound?"

"If you think it'll work I'm willing to try." He smiles softly and kisses me again.  "Until then, can I at least help you make breakfast?"

"I thought breakfast could wait." Prince shakes his head at my dumb joke. I chuckle, "Of course you can."

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