Minor Adjustments

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Genevieve's POV

I awaken from my slumber and stretch feeling refreshed after sleeping in my own bed. "It's good to be home." I look over and see Prince isn't here. I shrug figuring he probably had some shooting to do. I sit up in bed and look to my night stand seeing a small note.

" I thought it'd be best if you stayed home for now. You aren't confined to the house, Baby Dove. Let your wings soar as you wish. I just ask that you don't fly alone. I love you Genny. See you tonight. "

"I love you too, my Purple Love." After smiling like an idiot just thinking about my darling husband, I get out of bed and get ready for the day. After a relaxing shower I look through my closet for something to wear. I look at gowns, shirts, skirts, jeans and I just don't feel like dealing with it all. I walk over to my dresser and pull out a black jogging suit, throwing it on with a white shirt. No I'm not wearing shoes. Hell with my swollen ankles I'd be lucky to find a pair to fit me. I open the double doors that lead to the hallway. Instead of the table with the little white vase of purple flowers I typically see when I open the door, I'm greeted with tall men in suits facing the opposite direction. They turn and face me.

"Good Morning Genevieve."

"What's all this, Ronnie?"

"The boss told us to watch for any signs of suspicious activity and to guard you while you slept."

"Well isn't he protective. Did he remember the balcony?"

"Yes. I was out there the whole time Mama Genevieve." I smile and turn around to see Paolo. He was newer to Paisley but I always liked him. He's younger than most of our security guards and they all treat him like a little brother. We are all one big family here so I treat our security team like they're my big brothers. All except Paolo. Paolo is like a son to me. He's only twenty, a full eight years younger than me, and if you saw his face, you'd think he's still a teenager. He kept his face shaven, revealing his soft skin. His eyes were very big, his vibrant blue irises always stood out. To balance his eyes, his nose was kinda tiny. It was cute like a button. His lips are somewhat full and pouty. He has this beautifully thick, curly, dark brown hair. All these feature made him absolutely adorable to me. Every time I see him I can't help but hug him. I just wanna squeeze him to death. Which is what I'm doing as I think about this. As I finally let him go I smile wide adjusting his hair.

"Awww my baby.", I coo. Were you working hard out there?"

"Si, Mama."

"Bene. Molto bene, Paolo."

"Well everyone. I'm pregnant and hungry so if you'll excuse me, I'm heading to the kitchen to get something to eat." They all nod. Ronnie and the guard I've never met before stay back to watch the room while Paolo and I go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and see Lanai fixing breakfast.

"Good Morning, Genevieve. Good Morning, Paolo.", she says turning to us.

"Good morning", we say in unison.

"What's for breakfast today, Lanai?", I say smelling the air. I don't know what the hell she's making but it smells like heaven in a skillet.

"Mushroom, red onion, and ham frittata with cheese."

"Mmmm sounds like manna from heaven."

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