It's Time

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(If you read "Bundles of Joy" skip to Genevieve's point of view.) Prince's POV

"What? What is it?"

"The babies are coming!" In a panic I begin to start calling out orders.

"Lanai get the hospital bag and some towels! Paolo get the van! Ronnie take the Bentley and go get our moms!" Paolo runs over to us, picks up Genny and carries her to the awaiting car. Once Lanai is in the car and has the backseat covered in towels, Paolo places Genny in the car. We quickly get in the car and head to the hospital where Dr. Johnson is waiting. I turn looking in the backseat making sure everything is okay.

"Breathe Genevieve. Remember every time you feel a contraction, in for two out for two.", Lanai instructs. Genny nods as she begins Lamaze breathing. She winces in pain as contractions run through her. I hate seeing her in pain.

"Can't this van go any faster?!?!", she screams.

"Almost there baby. Almost there."

"Almost isn't good enough! These babies are ready to exit my body and enter the world and I don't want this moment to happen in a black SUV. So unless you want to clean my innards out this damn van I suggest you make Paolo hurry up!"

"We're here." We rush into the hospital and are immediately greeted with a wheel chair. They wheel her to a room and we follow closely behind her. I help her out of her clothes and into a hospital gown. My mom, my mother-in-law, and I change into scrubs. I stop in the hallway where Ronnie Paolo and two other guards are waiting for instruction. "You guys stand watch outside the room okay? Keep anyone and everyone, who isn't supposed to come in, away. If something happens find me as a last resort and I'll handle it."

"Prince!" I run into the room and stand beside the bed.

"I'm right here Baby Dove. I'll always be right here." The doctor rushes in and begins examining Genny.

"How far apart are her contractions?"

"They're two minutes a part and one minute long. How far dilated is she doctor?"

"She's only dilated five centimeters. Genevieve you need to make a decision. Do you want an epidural? It'll help the pain."

"Will it hurt my babies?"

"No it won't. I promise."

"Drug me." The doctor pushes a needle into Genny's back and I see her jump a little.

"Okay she's at eight centimeters! Genevieve it'll be time to start this labor soon. Nurses hands washed, gloves on!" Everyone scatters around the room and prepares to deliver our babies. They stand waiting for something. Some kind of signal. Lanai takes a stance on the other side of Genny. We hold her hands and try to calm her down. "We've reached ten centimeters. Genevieve it's time to start pushing. I want you to sit up and give us one good push." Gathering all her strength, Genny sits up and begins pushing. She lays back down and rests for a little. The doctor repeats this process with her for what seems like forever.
Then I hear the magic words. "One of them is crowning! Okay Genevieve, give two big pushes. Ready? Go" Genny does as she's told and I see the doctor moving. Next we hear a smack and a baby crying. "It's a boy!" I smile in excitement and joy as I hear my son cry. That happiness leaves as they whisk him away to be cleaned.

"You here that Genny? One down one more to go." I say excitedly.

"Ready to keep going Genevieve?"

"Absolutely not! This shit hurts like hell."

"You'll feel better when it's all over Genny." I say in an effort to calm her down.

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