Morning Routine

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Genevieve's POV

I wake up and see my husband isn't there. As I awkwardly and literally roll out of bed I decide to head downstairs. I take my time going down the stairs and take my pregnant ass straight to the kitchen. As I walk in I see Prince dancing around the kitchen.

"Well, good morning, Purple Love.", I say smiling, walking up beside him. He kisses my cheek and replies.

"Good Morning, Baby Dove. How are we this morning?"

I head to the cabinet grabbing a teacup and a teabag.

"Same as every morning..", I exclaim.

"Hungry and happy to be alive.", we recite in unison.  Giggling, he takes the kettle off the stove and pours the boiling water into my teacup. I put the teabag in and sit everything on the floating island, allowing my tea to steep.

"I'm making an omelette, want one?", he inquires. I really appreciate his offer but that just sounds fucking gross right now. I begin to look through the fridge and start the search to find something to eat. I come across the spaghetti I made two nights ago, some black olives and a quart of orange juice. I take everything out and fix my plate. I heat up my spaghetti with olives and begin pouring my glass of orange juice. "So you can eat it and add olives but when I do it it's gross?"

I chuckle at him referring to the spaghetti and orange juice.

"I'm pregnant. I crave weird shit. You have no excuse. This is what the babies want for breakfast what can I say?" I plate my meal and start digging in.

"You better be glad Lanai is off today. She'd have a fit if she saw you eatin' that."

"God I can hear her now...What on earth are you eating? You need protein and vitamin enriched foods and calcium. You should be eating eggs and a smoothie or oatmeal with fresh fruits. What did I tell you about carbs for breakfast?"I say mocking Lanai before sucking my teeth. She always nags me about what I should and I shouldn't eat. I can't help it if I crave strawberry ice cream and french fries at two o'clock in the morning.

Prince laughs as he flips his omelette. "That's exactly what she'd say too. Then you'd say something like. What did I tell you about shutting the hell up and letting me eat. It's too early for this." he jests, placing his hand on his hip while waving his spatula all over the place and making the sassiest face I've ever seen. I laugh with him and nod.

Prince walks over carrying his breakfast and my tea and I look up at him. "I made it just the way you like it." He smiles.

"Sugar not honey..?", I begin drilling him. If he doesn't answer correctly I'm not drinking a damn thing.

"Yup. Four spoons.", he says holding up four fingers.

"Properly spiced?"

"Cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla." I sniff the coffee to check. He's right.

"Cream not milk."

"Yes. Now do I know my baby or what?" I smile and nod stirring my tea. I know this seems complicated but this is the only way they let me drink tea in the morning. If it's not perfect it comes right back up and I hate wasting tea. I take a sip of this delicious concoction and sigh happily. We sit eating and conversing about our plans for the day like a married couple should. I stare at my plate for a moment and begin to think.

"Honey, did you really make Mayte sign a prenup?"

Prince looks at my somewhat shocked. "Yea, I did. Something about her seemed crazy. Plus, we got married when we were young and my career had just started taking off and I wanted her to be with me because she loved me, not for the money." I nod feeling mixed emotions. I'm happy because I didn't have to sign one which means whatever crazy she has I don't have but on the other hand I feel bad because their marriage didn't work out. They did love each other but things got out of control. I guess the stress of losing two kids put a strain on their relationship. I don't really know why it ended the way it did but I know it hurt him deeply.

"I'm sorry I asked. I know that's a kind of hard topic to discuss, especially with me."

"Don't be, she's my past. You are my present and my future."

I smile as I finish my spaghetti and take it to the sink along with my empty tea cup. Using the orange juice as a chaser I take all my prenatal vitamins then throw the cup in the sink. He stands behind me putting his tea cup and plate in the sink as well. He puts his hands on my hips and caresses my body. I smile as he pulls me close and begins kissing my neck. I moan softly as his lips work magic on my sweet spot. We haven't been intimate in a while since a he's gone most of the time shooting scenes for his next movie. God his touch feels good.

"It's been a long time baby." he whispers softly in my ear as his hands roam my body. "I know I've been out of the house a lot and I don't get to see you that often. Since we are all alone I think today is the perfect day to make up for lost time." At this point his hands are caressing me tenderly. One hand on my breast and the other gripping the elastic waistband of my lacy panties. He softly caresses my breasts as he goes back to kissing my neck. His other hand slides under the waistband of my panties and starts massaging my bead. I lean back on him as moans sporadically escape my mouth. He bends me forward and I place my hands firmly on the counter. The kitchen I quiet as his pajama pants and my panties hit the floor. He spreads my legs then slides his length into me, we both moan as familiar feelings ensue. He takes deep, slow strokes as he begins. His hands are placed firmly on my hips. He grips my ass and pulls me back on his length. God baby, it's been too long.",he moans. I feel his weight shift behind me. The slow sensual strokes are replaced with fast rhythmic ones. I moan loudly, feeling his member hit the deepest depths of me.

"Oh fuck! Don't stop.", I almost scream. He kisses up my back as he thrust, sending chills down my spine.

"Ah, Genny. You feel so good baby. ", he whispers sensually into my shoulder. I feel a familiar knot in stomach. My walls tighten around him. He thrusts into me faster and I scream, hitting my climax. He releases only moments after and begins panting. He hugs my tight and kisses my cheek. "Come on Baby Dove. Let's go get ready. " I smile and hold his hand as we walk upstairs. After bathing and a quick round two in the shower Prince and I start getting dressed. I slip on a simple purple top and jeans. I sit on the bed and pick out my hair while I watch Prince get ready. I smile as he throws a loose fitting, black and white, shirt over tight, white pants. After adding his favorite cross necklace he steps away from the mirror. He puts on his heels then walks over to me. "How do I look?"

"You look fantastic, as always baby." He smiles and helps my into my shoes. We both stand once he's done.

Prince's POV

"What is it baby?"

Genny has been staring at me for like two minutes now. She walks up to me slowly and touches my hair. After playing with my hair for a little she smiles.

"I have an idea." She walks into the bathroom then goes behind me and starts touching my hair again. She pulls my long locks back into a ponytail then stands in front of me. She squints at her work for a moment then pulls a small piece out and let's it hang in my face. "Hmm... I like it." I chuckle and we head outside to the limo. I help her then slide in. After instructing Ronnie where to go, the ride to the studio commenced. 

"Are you excited?"

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