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Lizzie's POV  March 5, 2016 -Present-

( Published July 28, 2016 )
I found this playground. Its really peaceful here. Ever since I lost, her, I've been running confused, for three years.
Tomorrow will be my birthday, Happy 17th to Me, I guess. I was swinging on the swing when someone started walking towards me.

"Hi Hun, are you lost?" She asked, kneeling down to my height.

"Nu... I just dun have no where to go.." I said shyly avoiding eye contact.

"Awe, no need to be shy.. You dun have a Mommy or Daddy?" She asked me.

I almost couldn't hold in my tears as flashbacks of three years ago came to mind. I shook my head. She was quiet for a while, then spoke gently touching my hands.

"Well, why don't I take you in? As my babygirl? Hm, that sound nice?" She asked with a smile on her face. I was so surprised I almost fell off the swing.

"Weallie?!" She chuckled.

"Yes, my name is Ashley, but you can call me Mommy for now on." I nodded.

"My name is Elizabeth, but you can call me Princess."

"Ooooo. ~ Sassy. I like that. C'mon, let's get you out of the cold." She picked me up and I held on for dear life as she carried me, snuggling into my Owl stuffie. We reached her house that was surprisingly close.. And BIG. We walked in and I couldn't believe what I saw..

Ashley's POV

I saw how she looked when we walked in and chuckled a bit. She was so surprised, it was adorable.

"You like, Princess?"

"Whoa.. It's HUGE!" She exclaimed.

"Well now, it's yours too!" I said. She looked at me. Tears started streaming down her face.

"Awe kitten.. Why're you crying?" I asked wiping the tears away with my thumb. She blushed slightly and wiped the rest away.

"Sowwy.. Happy tears.. Weallie, Weallie happy tears.." She whispers sniffling.

"Awe, it's okay Sweet Pea.. Sh.. Sh.." I said starting to rock her. She yawned slightly.

"Someone Tired?"

"Yes, Mommy.." She said sleepily.

"Mkay, let's go upstairs to your room."

I took her upstairs to her room and changed her into a sleeping gown laying her down in her bed with a paci in her mouth. I placed her Owl stuffie next to her and with that, she fell fast asleep.

"Sweet dreams BabyGirl.." I said quietly and started to prepare dinner in the kitchen for when she woke up. I love my little princess already.


Hallow Hallow! Another update here! How do you guy like it so far? >.< is it okay? Do I need to make changes? Opinions are welcomed :)

Don't forget to like, comment and share with friends! This is my first MDLG book, so if it sucks, I'm so sorry >.<

Plenty of more chapters comin' atcha! cx
OVER AND OUT!    xoxoxoxoo
- Megan

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