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( Please don't hate me, Okay ? Okay, ily ) 

Lizzie's POV 



What was that? 




it's getting louder, I'm too afraid to open my eyes. If I do, will I wake up in my bed? Will mommy be laying next to me? If so, then what was that, that just happened? A dream? It felt way too real. 

I grew anxious as the beeping grew louder, so I opened my eyes just to be blinded by this extremely bright white light. When I went to shield my eyes something pulled me back. I looked down focusing my vision to see that my limbs were bound to the bed that I was lying in, what is going on? 

"Mommy?.." I tried yelling but it just came out as a soft whisper. Someone walked past glancing at me then did a double take once our eyes met. 


"DOCTOR SHES AWAKE!" They started screaming. In came a person who looked exactly like mommy. 

I couldn't believe my eyes.

 What on earth is going on? 

"Mommy.." I tried saying. 

"Mo-Mommy, you're alive!" I said gasping for air trying to sit up. 

All she did was stare at me curiously while examining my heart rate, blood pressure and unhooked my limbs. The beeping sound calmed down when my limbs were free and I instantly hugged her. 

"I missed you so much.." I said to her. She slowly hugged back. 

"Hun, I'm sorry to tell you this but.. I don't know what you're talking about.. we haven't met till just now." I pulled back slowly. 

"What do you mean? Your name is Ashley, right?" 

"No sorry, it's Brittney." She replied with a soft smile. 

No that couldn't be right.. I must be dreaming, right? Yeah right, my mommys' name is Ashley, this whole thing is a dream and I'm just in the middle of it. I wish that I could just wake up and mommy will be downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast. But, no I'm not crazy; none of this is making sense. 

Someone please explain what's happening to me. 

"I'll be right back with Dr.Geimi-" 

"NO! Please don't leave me!" She looked at me confused as I was close to tears. 

She sent me a sad smile and nodded sitting right next to me. I'm so confused. Another doctor walked in with a clipboard and I couldn't believe who it was. 


"Oh look whose awake, how are we feeling?" Is he serious? CAN HE TELL ME WHATS GOING ON?! 

"I'm- I'm confused, who are you?" I barely said. 

"I'm Geimi, Greg Geimi. Dr.Geimi to you though." He said with a sly smile. 

Brittney sat there comforting me, hugging me while rubbing my back. Exactly what mommy would've done. He sat down on a rolling stool. 

"Are you ready to hear?" He asked. 

As ready as I'll ever be. 

I nodded. 

He cleared his throat then began reading. 

"Unfortunately, After the incident with the robbers, you were rushed here after being knocked into a coma by one of them, you've been laying here for three years in a coma and have just awaken from it. Some were saying that you weren't going to wake up, but we had hope." He finished. 


"W-What do you mean... coma?" 

"A deep sleep Hun." Brittney answered. 

If I was in a coma then, doesn't that mean that none of it was even real? ... just.. something my mind made up? 


"Are you alright?" 


why would I be? 

"Doctor, her heart rate is rising at an unbelievable speed." 

So mommy.. was never real.. the things we did, what I've felt, it wasn't real.. none of it. I'm now alone. 

Ash- Brittney laid me back down as I started hyperventilating. What's going to happen to me at this point? Will I be all alone? 

Dr.Geimi left then came back with a syringe and injected something into my IV that made me calm down almost instantly. 

"good, now that you've awakened, we have to take some tests; mostly just a few blood tests so you're fine." I nodded a bit clinging onto Brittney. 

I knew she wasn't mommy, and that's hard to process. I just can't help but to feel safe and protected by her. Dr.Geimi left once again and it was just me and Brittney. 



"What will happen to me now? I have no parents, probably no friends, I have no one..." 

"that's not true, your friends have came everyday for three years." 


she said pointing at the 'Get Well' cards, presents, and flowers. That almost made me cry right then and there. 

"But I have no where to stay.. no money.. will I be homeless?" I said starting to tear up. 

"Awe, don't cry.. we'll work it out, you won't be alone Lizzie." She replied. 

Lizzie... Mommy used to call me that.. this is so triggering. 

I don't know how I'll be able to deal with it any longer. 

I miss my mommy, how will my life continue without her? 


Hallow Hallow another chapter!! Kinda short chapter, sorreh 😭 but Hope you guys like it! I love you guys so much, Next chapter is currently being written, sorry for waiting so long in between chapters to update, I've kinda been REALLLLYYY busy, I love you guys 💖 Enjoy the chapterrr *^** it isn't quite over yet so, please please please pleaseeeeeeee,  be patient. 💖❤️️

Don't forget tooooooo, like, comment and shares with friends! Plenty more chapters where this one came from!



- Megan

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